What I See

hispanic woman with kids next to guys selling stolen car items on disgustingly gross Mission St in SF
people selling stolen car items on Mission St in SF

Hordes of vagrants filling the city everywhere. Behind every corner there they are. Some are just collapsed. Some are aggro. Many are crazy. There is no behavior that is too bizarre, crazy, or aggro to not expect. I have seen almost all.

I have been the victim of theft and other crimes yet when I witness the sheer scale of the problem I can understand why law enforcement simply cannot come to grips with it. The magnitude is enormous. In this situation, if you still have ten fingers and ten toes, count your blessings because things could be far worse.

Things are getting markedly worse, and from what I hear from people in other parts of the country, this is happening all over.

It makes me realize that our politicians are lying and they are taking things in the wrong direction. The more they seem to speak about sanctuaries and dreams, the worse off things get.