Category: Uncategorized
Sensible Setup of Node.js on Windows
I like putting things like JVM and Android SDK in C:\Lib. Windows doesn’t have /lib or /usr/lib like in Linux. C:\Lib is a convenient place to keep libraries. It’s much easier to create an alias with a path in C:\Lib than e.g. C:\Program Files\… Install fnm: Configure PowerShell profile. This sets the default install directory…
Responsive Grid for FreshRSS Reading View Mode
If you are viewing your feeds in FreshRSS using reading view mode you can easily display the feed items in a responsive grid layout. You need to install the Custom RSS extension from the FreshRSS extensions. This involves downloading the extensions from the foregoing link and copying xExtension-CustomCSS to your /extensions directory. Click the gear…
Responsive Grid for WP RSS Aggregator
Working on the main site of Alaya·Net and because we’re not using WP Multisite anymore we need to aggregate the blogs onto the main page. We’re using the popular WP RSS Aggregator plugin. We created the main page to display the aggregated content. This can easily be done by inserting a “WP RSS Aggregator…
Panels flying off the Microsoft airliner
Microsoft really seems to be going downhill, like the notorious Boeing aircraft with panels flying off mid-flight. Is this the inevitable future from the flooding of the USA with non-Whites, literally giving away entire industries and sectors (Information Technology, engineering, medicine) to foreigners? It certainly seems like it. Now Microsoft seems to be increasingly affected.…
The state of WordPress support for Markdown: Glitchy and annoying
WordPress is not embracing the Markdown revolution very well. It only natively supports Markdown with non-self-hosted WordPress. Outside of that it requires you to use Jetpack to get something close to native support, but Jetpack is invasive and raises serious privacy concerns. There are third-party plugins to support Markdown but all of them I’ve tried…
WordPress Migrate to New Server
How to migrate WordPress from one hosting provider to another. Assumes hosting provider provides cPanel and shell access to hosting server Some takeaways: cPanel is a powerful administrative control panel that hosting providers provide to their customers, providing excellent tools for individuals, businesses, and organizations to administer and maintain an online presence. cPanel is kind…
Alaya·Techne is being upgraded
Hi everyone! Alaya·Techne is being upgraded. The upgrade is almost complete at least in terms of the technical backend, but there are some finishing touches that need to be done. The “commitment to innovation…” text above is default for the 2024 theme and we thought it was cool so are leaving it there for the…
Never insert newlines unless actually ending a line
Line wrapping should be done “soft” in the editor/viewer. Never break lines of text simply to match some arbitrary column width. That is outrageous. Insert a newline at the end of a line of code Insert a newline in text when creating a new paragraph. Never break a sentence with a newline to fit a…
Imagine Being a Murderous Pig
Imagine being a murderous pig, working for the regime. Getting paid by the regime. Giving the fruit of your labor and energy to the murderous, tyrannical, terrorist regime and thinking that you have any shred of moral superiority, that you are anything but the most inexcusably appalling manifestation of derangement and evil on Earth. The…
End/Beginning Year Reflections
As an end/beginning-of-year reflection I would like this give deepest appreciation first to all the non-human living beings which occupy the Earth with us. It’s devastating and sickening how most humans take life for granted, but I do not ever want to. Every organism that is part of this world is unique and special in…