UK Prime Minister’s position on illegal immigration

Watching a video now of British Prime Minister David Cameron. Below is an excerpt:

Interviewer: You described it as a “swarm”. Would you still describe it as that? Do you regret the use of the word?

Cameron: I don’t regret what I said. I was simply trying to explain that a lot of people were coming… and I think people watching and people who have responded to me about this… have understood that that’s what I was staying. But I think what’s more important frankly than the words is the actions that we’re taking and I want people to know that the government’s doing everything it can to stop people breaking into our country illegally, and making sure that we have all those proper border checks and inspections that people would expect.

…and then there are also illegal migrants, people who are in search of a better life, they’re not fleeing persecution, and they’re trying to get into our country to sort of jump the queue as it were in terms of people coming to live in Britain and its quite right that we say to those people that “No you can’t come in. We have orderly migration procedures and jumping on the back of a lorry or trying to get through the tunnel isn’t a part of that.”

America’s governments at federal, state, and local levels are facilitating the swarm for the sake of private business interests.

Mr. Cameron is entirely correct: These are people who have broken in to the country, who have jumped the queue, and we need to be stopping it and reversing the process immediately.