Strip-mall policies of American government

America is being taken in the wrong direction, in the direction of the strip-mall, by its present leaders. America should not go in the direction of the strip-mall. It is the wrong direction.

When it allows 20 million highly uneducated people to pour into the country for the sake of cheap labor and greasing the gears of “the economy” it is because of strip-mall policies and plans for the future. It is also important to note how, quite sickeningly, many of the things done by governments in recent times for the sake of “the economy” are those which do not benefit most citizens. People should be extremely cautions when they hear politicians talk about benefitting the economy.

In a strip-mall society there is a demand for abundant, cheap labor. But this is not the right direction for America.

It may not seem as easy to take the path of avoiding cheap, illegal labor and deal with things like the increased effect on living standards for Americans that it would have, but it is better. It is better that labor be valued more highly. That leads to better wages and living conditions for those who work, and also provides impetus for innovation to make labor more efficient.

Having a vast pool of cheap labor subverts the process in which labor naturally becomes more valued and living standards rise because of increased demand and reduced supply.

Americans should resist their government taking the country down the destructive, wasteful path of the strip-mall and be prepared to make a stand for a higher quality of living over and against the incessant drive for the cheapest consumer prices. Americans should learn to savor the organically-grown apple picked from the orchard at the end of their block and not the nutritionally-depleted, toxic, strip-mall agriculture apple harvested by cheap labor and shipped from hundreds of miles away.

The way America has been violently bullying other parts of the world is also a very real part of its strip-mall course. Geopolitical resource quests and demand for raw materials and energy fuels a violent and destructive obsession with control and power which in the end only weakens, impoverishes, and creates massive suffering.

Strip-mall is not just about actual strip-malls. There is strip-mall food which is mass-produced, toxic garbage and includes strip-mall factory farming. There is strip-mall media which is likewise depleted and toxic garbage.

There is strip-mall city “planning” which is really a catastrphic lack of planning which neglects human and environmental health. There is strip-mall education. Strip-mall medical “care”. And there are strip-mall military campaigns which of course also demand abundant, cheap labor.

More and more our communities are becoming strip-mall-ized and we are shortchanged when the infrastructure and services which should support us fall to pieces.

We also have strip-mall justice and increasingly strip-mall human rights. America is on the wrong course and needs to drastically change. It has to value life and respect human-rights to the fundamental core which means respecting the fundamental integrity of the human body and healthy and wholesome communities.

But the strip-mall elites run rampant trampling the sanctity of communities with impunity supported by their strip-mall governmental administration and infrastructure.