Great Reset?

❌ Daily human rights violations in your community decrease
❌ Your city is less of a dangerous, grubby shithole flooded with third-worlders
❌ No more hordes of Mexicans, Chinese, Indians, and Arabs flooding into your country to take your educational, housing, and employment opportunities
❌ Population is decreased
❌ Environment is better off
✔️ Give up personal possessions for some bizarre, nebulous reason related to the oligarchy’s greed
✔️ Billionaires still flying around the world in private jets
✔️ Billionaires getting more wealth and owning more shit
❌ Wealth transferred from the oligarchy to middle classes
❌ Strengthening of middle class
✔️ $millions more for the Biden crime family
✔️ More mansions, kiddies to fuck, and crack cocaine for Hunter
✔️ More Jewish world domination and control

Sounds like Great Satan to me.