Hedges and Taibbi

I take in a range of stuff. Today I listened to the Wednesday TDS podcast which as usual was filled with many minutes of garbage, interspersed however with insightful commentary by Mike.

Now I’m watching this somewhat epic interview between Chris Hedges and Matt Taibbi:

Here’s an excerpt from a salient part:

Hedges: If you can’t communicate across these [political] divides, which is essentially what’s happening, then the country just bifurcates into warring, antagonistic tribes, which is exactly what happened in Yugoslavia because you had competing ethnic groups seize rival media outlets and speak only to their own and demonize the other. But to see this happening in the New York Times and in the Washington Post, is this the end of traditional media?

Taibbi: I think temporarily. I do believe – I have maybe a naive hope that some candy[?] entrepreneur will realize there’s a screaming need out there for a new kind of media product. I hear it every day from people sending emails that “I just wish there was a place I could go to find out just what happened”, stripped of all the editorializing. People want the old school, boring, when-why-where-how, third-person, dead voice that we used to get in all the newspapers, and they’re not getting that anymore because everything is highly charged and highly politicized and tailored for a political audience. I do believe that if somebody was smart they would create that outlet….

To cut Matt off right there and interject – I just want to say that there’s no way that kind of reporting will ever be allowed. Never. Ever.

This is one reason why I endure listening to edgy stuff like what is on TDS because you really become clear about things like this. You really know what is happening, and don’t get caught up wasting potentially years believing in false things and deliberate Finkelthink setups.

You have to have a clear overview of what’s occurring, and not a lot of people actually have that. But I will say that dissident right people have been dead on with their analyses and predictions about what has happened, is happening, and will be coming. Make of it what you will. Respond or not respond as you will. But they are clear about what’s happening and I have no doubt that major attempts will therefore be made in the not-too-distant future to crush them and cut off their ability to speak.

What Matt and Chris are talking about in the above interview is that the entire media apparatus in the United States has turned into a tool of propaganda, manipulation, and mind-control. So take a few steps back past that to consider what the implications are behind that and who the players are. While they are sitting there lamenting the good old days the plans already exist to impose strict authoritarian, totalitarian measures to crush dissent and to transfer power almost exclusively to elite Jews.

On top of that, the attack on whites and white identity will continue. Borders will weaken or almost disappear, opening the floodgates, all while internally there will be stricter and stricter controls. Cherry-picking ops have already gone way past the mark of absurdity – the state seeming to be overwhelmingly concerned about specific things while completely ignoring others that are exponentially more threatening and serious. Levels of denial in the brainwashed public will escalate and increasingly push people towards extremely bizarre and potentially dangerous behavior.

Institutions that we thought were part of the fabric of a wholesome society will reveal themselves as tools of enslavement. Now that the gears are in motion, this will all happen very fast.

The dissident right is the most sensitive to and most aware of satanic shit happening. This doesn’t mean that everyone on the dissident right gets a free pass, but we do need thinkers like Chris Hedges and Matt Taibbi on our side. We need wise leaders to guide us and keep us on a wholesome track as we go through the coming difficult time.

But I don’t know if these guys will have enough courage to openly stand against the devastation of mass immigration. That seems to be a characteristic fizzling-out point among the left.