Holocaust Survivor Testimony: Helen Colin

There is something really profound about listening to the stories of people who lived through that time.
It sickens me how some extremely sick, deranged people in the present harp on about Jews. I think the karma for such malevolent derangement is actually very severe. A person is fortunate to be born into a human life, to have a precious mind which can be used to either give peace and benefit to other beings on this Earth, or to engage in sick behavior that is abusive, divisive, and damaging.

In response to the TDS podcast continually delving into Holocaust denial and making themselves look like deranged, foolish, small-minded idiots, I’ve decided to watch testimony of people who lived through the Holocaust.

Here is another moving story told by a very wise woman. I’ve just started listening, but already find the material starting at the 8 minute 15 second mark to be profound. Please watch.