Who’s going to use this PC?

image of Windows setup screen asking for the name of the user

In Windows setup it asks for your name. I’ve always entered my name in lower case because I want the name of my user directory to be lowercase. Having an uppercase first letter of your name for your home directory is stupid.

I wasn’t sure if it actually creates the name of your home directory using the capitalization or not. It would be nice if you enter your name capitalized so that if the system displays it to you that’s how it looks, but for the name of your home directory it is not capitalized.

So this one time I was setting it up and I decided to see what happens if you enter your name with the first letter capitalized.

Sure enough, Windows is stupid and uses the capitalized version as the name of your home directory. Brain dead.

Now I know: Never capitalize your name when entering it in Windows setup.

People may wonder why I’m setting up Windows at all. This is a good question. I’m not a Windows user. I use Linux as my desktop. It is and always will be my primary operating system. There is no substitute.

But when I’m setting up new computers I have to set up a small Windows partition along with the update utility from the computer manufacturer in order to make it easy to apply essential updates – in particular BIOS and other important firmware updates.

So I always install Windows first on a blank drive and let it do whatever it wants as far as disk layout, then shrink its partition to a minimal size and install Linux.

Even though I know I won’t be using Windows, I cannot rest knowing that the first letter of my name in the user directory is capitalized. I just can’t 😩


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