Stop “India First” Job Takeover Stop “India First” Job Takeover

Over the last two decades thousands of hard working middle class Americans have seen their lives turned upside down, caused mainly by the rampant use/misuse of the H-1B/L-1 and OPT work visas.

These visas were meant to bring into this country “a limited number of highly skilled workers from a diverse global array of talented individuals” – in other words, a small number of truly gifted individuals who could add real value to the nation. The visas were never intended to be the vehicle of mass migration that it has turned into over the last 20+ years.

American workers, especially those in the tech sector, are fed up with this perennial assault on their jobs and their careers, and have decided to do something about it.

Those who helped build our tech industry are now consciously sidelined and shunned – all part of the move to bring in lower skilled but cheaper foreign workers.