Women in Information Technology/Computer Science

The past couple days I’ve been looking at online courses in Information Technology and Computer Science at community colleges in my area.

One surprising thing I am noticing is that there are a lot of female faculty. Also, in one class I have registered for I looked at the class roster and there are a lot of women taking the class.

I am very happy about this. People can take this however they want, but I don’t think I would ever want to work with males again in IT. I don’t care how much they may claim to be open-minded etc. etc. I just won’t do it. While there are many good teachers and professors who are men, I don’t want to work under them, and I don’t want to have to collaborate with them either. I do not want to have to deal with their energy and their issues. As soon as the environment changes from academic to work everything changes.

Perhaps they are better in some ways. Maybe the testosterone drive gives them some kind of edge. But I will not expose myself to that disgusting energy anymore.

I can now envision that as more and more women are gradually beginning to work in IT the field will change dramatically and there will be much better companies to work for.

Perhaps women are not as cutthroat as men are, but I actually think that is a much better, long-term sustainable thing. Frankly, many high tech companies are simply grubby and disgusting.

Even though women may not have that testosterone edge I’ve always known that they ultimately are better with technology than men. Thankfully the tide is now turning.


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