An indispensable utility for Windows

I would like to mention a little utility for Windows that is indispensable. It is called Ditto and basically it just runs in the system tray and tracks everything that enters the Windows clipboard.

Have you ever copied and pasted something, only later to need to re-paste it and find that it was no longer in the clipboard? Yes, its very annoying and can be very time consuming to have to re-copy things back into the clipboard.

With Ditto running you just click on its system tray icon and will see of list of everything that has been in the clipboard recently. When you click on any item in the list, it will be in the clipboard again and will automatically be pasted into any blank fields that the input cursor is in.

Ditto is so useful – so absolutely essential – that its difficult to see why it isn’t included with Windows.

One thing I recommend after installing it – go into the system tray customize options and for Ditto select the option to Show icon and notifications so that it will always be visible.

Ditto’s homepage on