Slave owners

Today is not much different. Wage slavery. Many are Mexican instead of black. But its not an equal society. The Gini Coefficient is getting worse, and the oligarchs don’t give a fuck.

In God we trust liberty my ass
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Reference:, “Ranking the Presidents

As wages increase, that drives ingenuity as people come up with creative ways to accomplish things. For example, people can invent robots to perform menial tasks. That process then does create a lot of opportunities. Because of the demand for performing the task, someone then paid someone else who paid other people who invented a solution. People get paid to create the robots. People get paid to maintain the robots. These are skilled jobs and signs of a developing economy, not a false one supported by mass virtual-slave labor.

America is literally being driven back into the dark ages by those in power. Instead of money being given to intelligent people to create innovative solutions, the oligarchs would rather just have a massive flood of cheap labor. Rather than have the scarcity of labor lead to rises in wages, they would rather flood the market with cheap, unskilled labor and force down wages.

We are at a time now when it really is becoming possible to automate a vast amount of the functions and services that need to be performed. By solving these problems creatively through advanced technology it enhances a knowledge-based economy and all the infrastructure that goes behind it. It also changes the pattern of resource consumption as there is much more efficient use of existing resources many of which are already strained past their limits.

A robot does not want to drive around in an over-sized SUV with holes drilled in the muffler in order to be cool. It doesn’t need to have 10 kids which the state is then forced to pay the expenses of, depriving opportunities from other things. Precious educational resources can be devoted to high creativity, high-technology courses and programs instead of flunkie-level programs catering to the barely literate masses. There is no need to clear cut more forest to accommodate urban sprawl caused by robots.

But instead, the new crop of oligarch slave-masters are destroying the future of America even while they lie and claim they are providing opportunity. Even while the ecosystem and the environment are collapsing from overpopulation on a planet that is already 400% over its carrying capacity.

In the end, even all this technology would not be necessary if people were wise. If human habitats were designed intelligently then all the functions that humans need to perform including growing highly nutritious, organic food could be done in a holistic way that is integrated into communities and social structures, far different than the abhorrently sick template which infrastructure is based upon and which effectively propagates its sickness through cowardice and greed.
