Windows 8 now uses the yucky “Photos” app to handle importing photos from digital cameras which to me is a significant regression from the photo import utility of previous versions.
Because I like many users have bypassed the new Windows interface by using Classic Shell, its also an annoyance when that interface comes up and imposes itself over my desktop completely disrupting the continuity of whatever workflow I’m engaged in.
I know in a past post I said that the new interface was ok and that many of the reviews which panned it were bad, but now I’m becoming very inclined to think that they were right to begin with. There is an aspect of the new Windows 8 interface which, sadly, is disastrous. I think that Microsoft violated one important rule about user interfaces in that its not right to yank away good functionality and force some other, new thing on users.
There are times when the stupid new desktop simply comes up and imposes itself without my consent, like when attaching a camera, which is outrageous. I’ve also had it occur when trying to deal with a Bluetooth device. Its really outrageous to have the new interface come up and takeover the entire screen and impose itself on the user.
For anyone but the most helpless, inept user who basically has absoluely no clue whatsoever about how to use a computer interface and must be spoonfed to a high degree, its a major hassle and highly annoying.
Anyhow, I did find a way to import photos from a digital camera in a hassle-free manner:
1. Create an icon (say on the desktop) and for the target path use:
%SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe “%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer\photoAcq.dll”,PhotoAndVideoAcquire
2. That’s pretty much it. I also wanted a nicer icon for it and was able to change to a better one by clicking Change Icon and then selecting %SystemRoot%\System32\imageres.dll That will then bring up a whole bunch of icons to choose from one of which looks like a camera.
3. I also named the new shortcut “Import Photos” and copied it to the quick launch toolbar.
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