Get the multi-row tab bar back in Firefox (updated info for v.81)

This solution utilizes two projects on Github which maintain many useful customizations for Firefox: MrOtherGuy and Aris-t2. Much thanks to both of them for their untiring work and dedication to making Firefox better. I highly recommend to visit both of the above repositories to see many other possible Firefox tweaks and customizations.

In addition to restoring the multi-row tab bar to Firefox I highly recommend to try out the Firefox-recommended extension OneTab which is another excellent solution for dealing with a lot of open tabs and which can significantly reduce the resource usage of Firefox.

As Firefox’s user interface is under continual development, the CSS tweaks used to enable the multi-row tab bar has had to adapt over time. There have been several times when the existing tweaks no longer worked after a new update of Firefox, and it is possible that with future releases the CSS tweaks will need to be modified again. Both of the above repositories have done an excellent job of staying ahead of the curve so usually all that is necessary is to link to an updated CSS customization (see below) to fix multi-row tab functionality.

Here is my own custom userChrome.css for Firefox on Linux v.81 based on the above sources that includes a multi-row tab bar, no close button on tabs, active tab background color, and some font customizations.

It is recommended to install the Google Noto Sans fonts either via your distro’s package manager apt install fonts-notoor directly from the <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Google fonts site</a>.

Note that this customization also completely removes the tab close buttons. To close tabs simply middle-click on them or type Ctrl-w while in the tab.

To move/rearrange tabs you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:
Shift-Ctrl-PgUp – move tab to the left
Shift-Ctrl-PgDn – move tab to the right

Unfortunately rearranging tabs by dragging them with the mouse doesn’t work when using these tweaks.

Here are the steps to get a multi-row tab bar in Firefox:

1. Open the Firefox <em>about:config</em> page and search for the key <em>toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets</em> and change its value to <strong>true</strong>.

2. If you have not already done so, create a folder named <em>chrome</em> inside your Firefox profile folder. If you need to find out where the profile folder is open the page <em>about:profiles</em> in Firefox.

3. Make sure <code>git</code> is installed on your computer. For Linux this is usually as simple as running <code>apt install git</code> or <code>yum install git</code>. For Windows you can install it through Cygwin (recommended) if you use that, or use another method.

4. Navigate to the chrome folder and inside it use git to clone the two repositories mentioned above:
<code>git clone</code>
<code>git clone</code>

5. Now inside the chrome folder create a file named userChrome.css with the following contents:

@import "CustomCSSforFx/classic/css/tabs/tabs_multiple_lines_fx81.css";
@import "CustomCSSforFx/classic/css/tabs/tab_close_hidden.css";

Note that in this post I am not using any of the CSS hacks from the MrOtherGuy repository however in the past we have used his tweaks and we may need to again in the future.

You are free to link in any other tweaks from these two repositories as you like. Simply create new <em>import</em> lines that import the tweaks you want to try.

Whenever there are updates on Github to the two repositories you can pull in the new updates by going into each repository’s folder and and running the following command:

<code>git pull</code>

Thus you will stay current with their latest updates and be able to link them into your userChrome.css

6. Feel free to add more customizations inside <em>userChrome.css</em> such as:

/* Global UI font
Requires Google's Noto Sans font to be installed
Install either from your package manager or download and
install from Google:
* {
font-family: Noto Sans !important;
font-style: Regular !important;
font-size: 11pt !important;

/* Bookmark font */
#personal-bookmarks .bookmark-item menupopup * {
font-family: Noto Sans !important;
font-style: Regular !important;
font-size: 14pt !important;

/* Remove URL bar zoom button */
#urlbar-zoom-button {
display: none !important

/* Remove tab blur
.tab-label-container[textoverflow]:not([pinned]) {
mask-image: unset !important;

/* Active Tab Background Color
.tab-content[selected="true"] {
background: rgba(65, 85, 145, 0.4) !important;


Thanks to everyone who has made suggestions or comments to this post!


13 responses to “Get the multi-row tab bar back in Firefox (updated info for v.81)”

  1. anon Avatar

    This does not appear to work. I am getting a vertical scroll bar in my tab bar =(

    1. pixel Avatar

      Hi Anon,
      me too, this does not work anymore on FF80.
      FF developers just ignore the wishes of users for multirow tabs :/

    2. pixel Avatar

      Smal correction, i just copy the content from:
      and paste to the userChrome.css file and restart FF, and i have my multirow tabs again 😉
      Thats ok for me now

  2. Robert Benaroya Avatar
    Robert Benaroya

    Thanks a lot.
    However, there is a problem: moving tabs hits a wall, you cannot move on the right past a random tab when trying to move a tab left to right. Impossible also to put it a raw under.

    1. admin Avatar

      The moving problem will not go away unfortunately. Use Shift-Ctrl-PgUp and Shift-Ctrl-PgDn to move tabs.

  3. Robert Benaroya Avatar
    Robert Benaroya

    Same moving problem with FF79, we need an update pretty please!

  4. Robert Avatar

    Thank you very much for this useful post. For me the best solution is to use MrOtherGuy’s repository – with only one line in userChrome.css:
    @import “firefox-csshacks/chrome/multi-row_tabs.css”;

    The advantage is + icon to open new empty tab which is missing with the solution by Aris-t2.

    1. admin Avatar

      Thanks for the feedback. As of this writing the multi-row_tabs.css from MrOtherGuy’s repository hasn’t been updated for a couple months. I was using it until the latest update to Firefox 81 when it seemed to stop working, so for the time being I’m using Aris’ tabs_multiple_lines_fx81.css

      1. It seems like Aris’ fx81 also stopped working after updating to 82. Any solutions or keep waiting for Aris to update.

        1. admin Avatar

          Usually Aris and MrOtherGuy update not long after there is a major change. I would check both their repos and look for a recent commit date for their multi-row CSS code.

  5. Thanks for sharing this technique for importing various CSS files that (re-)enable multi-row tabs.
    I also like the one from MrOtherGuy’s repository more, in particular an older variant that allows scrolling the tab bar vertically using the mouse wheel.

    BTW, for some reason I cannot view your page via its normal address (both Firefox and Chrome show an nearly blank page) but it works via the copy cached by Google.

    1. admin Avatar

      Yes both of them are continuously updated and one or the other may be preferable depending on the platform and features.

      Thanks for alerting me to the page issue. I see that the syntax-highlighting plugin is causing an issue on the site for some reason and am working to fix it.

      1. David von Oheimb Avatar
        David von Oheimb

        Meanwhile your page display in the browser is fine 🙂

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