
What Donald Trump is saying right now is revolutionary. Many younger people have grown up in an America where almost everything has always been made in China.

But not when I grew up. No. Not by a long shot.

When I grew up clothes, shoes, radios, televisions, dishes, cookware, utensils, toys, bedding, hardware, and many, many other things were almost always made in America.

Then suddenly it all changed. The situation now is an extreme, dramatic contrast with before. I also know there is at least one really excellent PBS documentary series about this and it does detail, among other things, how Bill Clinton was a large player in the globalization which is to a large extent responsible for this horrific shit. And don’t forget that Hilary Clinton accepts a large amount of money from China and the many “American” companies that are now owned by the Chinese.

I already wrote about this topic and how revolutionary what Donald Trump is saying on January 7th. In that post I provide links to essays from a German economist excerpted from his book “”World War for Wealth: The Global Grab for Power and Prosperity”.

One significant point that Mr. Steingart – and now Donald Trump also – makes is that China competes unfairly because the vast majority of the people that work in its factories are little more than slaves living in a society which has no social welfare. Given that, they can produce products much more cheaply. But by allowing those products to flood our markets we are undermining our entire social system – something people like Bill and Hilary Clinton – along with basically the entire American oligarchy, is more than happy to do.

We see how our poor country has been methodically gutted and stripped of its wealth and its well-being on so many levels as the costs are not just economic but also relate to infrastructure and the entire framework of our society.

I never thought I would witness a candidate for President of the United States openly speaking about this topic, but here is the revolution.

And I ask everyone to keep in mind: None of this would be even mentioned ever in mainstream American media if it weren’t for Donald Trump. Remember that because its highly significant. Its not just the “rape” that is occurring, it is the strict control over the media – the mind control – that prevents such a topic from even being acknowledged openly much less freely discussed.

Fuck China. Let China crash. And I say kick out the 17,000 corrupt officials who fled the country and are living here, probably owning half our real estate and stealing educational and other opportunities away from American citizens.