Donald Trump’s Plan to Deal with China

The oligarchy has been all-too-eager to sell out the interests of the American people for the sake of profit. But it has also sold out the interests of the Chinese people and everyone in the world. Every time an American consumer purchases an item made in China, they are undermining the quality of living that America is supposed to stand for. They are supporting a repressive regime in which there is no freedom of expression and in which many of the most fundamental freedoms we believe in do not exist.

Donald Trump (and Bernie Sanders) are the only candidates who are standing up against the big lies told by the oligarchy and pushed onto the American people through Big Media. Obama and all the other oligarchs in the American regime have been all-too-happy to sell out America and its fundamental values because its oligarchy is increasingly connected to if not controlled by China’s oligarchy.

Just as the supposed “humanitarian” immigration policies which is resulting in the huge floods of illegals swarming into the United States, so too are the economic policies a complete betrayal of the American people and what America fundamentally stands for.

The German economist Gabor Steingart pointed this out in detail in a book entitled “World War for Wealth: The Global Grab for Power and Prosperity” of which several sections were translated and published at in a series of articles:

Asia Ascendant: Protectionism! The West Must Defend Itself

Chinese Capitalism: Putting Profits Before Human Lives

A Superpower in Decline: America’s Middle Class Has Become Globalization’s Loser

Playing With Fire: America and the Dollar Illusion

White Trash, Fast Food: How Globalization Is Creating a New European Underclass

Twisting the Knife: Consumers Are Killing the Welfare State

Tax Troubles: The Welfare State Is Dead. Long Live the Welfare State!


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