Category: Uncategorized
Post election prayer
For many days now as I’ve said the rosary I’ve been thinking about the fact that one side would lose the election. I put myself in the place of others and wanted to feel what they would feel. I prayed every day about this because I know its not a pleasant nor easy thing to…
Eyeglass computers
Here’s a really cool news segment at NHK about the use of eyeglass computers for insurance claim investigators and adjusters. Obviously there are potentially a zillion really cool uses of eyeglass computers. Note too that the images conveyed by the eyeglass computers are not even VR, just regular 2D images. At the end of the…
I had a great day today. My car battery died.
Why was it great? It was great because even though my battery died, I gained from the experience. If first thank AAA for their roadside assistance. This is the second time that I had to rely on them to start a car and their service is fast and their guys are always friendly and helpful.…
Groundbreaking: Evidence for accelerated universe expansion only 3 sigma!
In a groundbreaking paper recently published a team of scientists who examined a greatly expanded dataset of type Ia supernovae have concluded that evidence for accelerated expansion of the universe is only 3 sigma which is far short of the 5 sigma standard required to claim a discovery. In other words, this is huge news.…
Fecesville spreads – prima fecie
This map is real. It shows the increasing amount of reports of feces to city government throughout the city. This should not be happening. I do not accept that the answer is blowing in the wind. I do not accept that society hasn’t found a solution for this. There is real knowledge about how to…
Wow. Fake IDs are illegal in some places.
Amazing. In some parts of the world its against the law for people to use fake IDs. Oh wait! If you’re an American citizen and use a fake ID its against the law, but if you’re an illegal alien in the United States its perfectly allowed!