Category: Uncategorized

  • Asymptomatic Transmission?

    Byambasuren’s review also found that asymptomatic individuals were 42% less likely to transmit the virus than symptomatic people. As part of a large population study in Geneva, Switzerland, researchers modelled viral spread among people living together. In a manuscript posted on medRxiv this month2, they report that the risk of an asymptomatic person passing the…

  • 480 Days Since Covid. Number of Studies About Vitamin C, Zinc, Glutathione, and Healthy BMI: 0

    They don’t want to know. And they don’t want you to know. They want you to continue being an emotional and logical cripple, relying on their crack hit of deception. If you don’t believe it, go to a grocery store and look at everything on the shelves. Then go out in public and look at…

  • It should be illegal to replace American workers with foreigners

    No government should ever put the interests of non-citizens above its own citizens. Any government that does is traitorous and should be abolished. Isn’t funny too how they always hide the atrocious immigration shit inside other bills, deliberately trying to hide it from scrutiny? Such a great, wonderful, fucking piece-of-shit democracy it is!

  • Parallels With Pre-Meiji Restoration Japan

    When Ryoma Sakamoto got the Satsuma and Chosu clans, who had previously been bitter enemies, to unite it was the beginning of the revolution that overthrew the Tokugawa Shogunate which had lasted over 300 years. The Shogunate had become weak and corrupt, and was relying upon foreign powers to hold on to its control over…

  • Let’s Play Spot the Whites

    Let’s play Spot the Whites. It’s simple: Anywhere you go, look around and try to spot how many whites there are. What? That’s racist? Looking around and spotting people of one’s own race is racist? But every other group does it. Every other group adamantly plays Spot the Race with their own race. In fact,…

  • Genocide is Our Strength

    Being a genocided, subjugated people, with our country invaded, our institutions of higher education taken over by foreigners, the top positions in our society going to foreigners, and our middle and lower classes completely fucked over in the job and housing markets – is our strength. Get that straight, goy. You have one right under…

  • Reflections On the Future

    For the past couple days I’ve been reading about the history of sanitation. It’s pretty fascinating actually. Thousands of years ago some groups of humans were already smart enough to use clay pipes in early sewer systems to remove waste water. Basically the really smart civilizations were the ones which were good at water engineering.…

  • Whites as Dangerous Monsters

    Saw this great post by John Rivers: the CRT [Critical Race Theory] and Cuck Right both agree with the fundamental premise (and Jewish Blood Libel) that lies behind CRT and Diversity Training and White Erasure: that if White People ever have a strong White Identity to rally behind … then a New Holocaust will be…

  • Why is it happening?

    Why it’s happening is bleedingly obvious to anyone who goes outdoors and travels anywhere. It’s not climate change. The state has been flooded with a deluge of tens of millions of immigrants, many of them illegal. Every road is congested as hell. Traffic everywhere is a horrific nightmare. California has descended into a third-world shit…

  • Imagine

    Imagine eating food prepared by and served by slaves and thinking you’re successful. The elite institutions of higher education are now training academies for producing efficient slave masters. They have become divorced from the higher purpose of learning and connection to the concept of brahmanic cultivation, divinity, knowledge, and art. It’s funny too how just…