A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Running SSH daemon as a background task on WSL

    This article is about installing Ubuntu 18.04 in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Windows 10 and running the SSH daemon as a background task that will persist between terminal sessions. Normally when a WSL terminal is closed all processes inside it stop. This is different than for example Cygwin’s sshd which runs as…

  • The good “junk” bike

    So I found a junk bike that someone discarded. The chain was completely rusted on it and frozen. It had front and rear lights on it, but the batteries were really old in both and starting to corrode. I put a lot of chain lube on the chain. It kind of moved a bit. So…

  • If I had a lot of money

    I would give a lot of it to publishers of computer text books and say please allocate this money as if 5,000 copies of each of these books was purchased. There are a lot of people around the world who cannot afford to purchase computer textbooks and hence will download copies they find online. I…

  • Swimming with pajeets

    If you go out anywhere – swimming, dancing – any type of public event – do not associate with indians or arabs. Do not “just be nice” with them. They are not “just being nice” with you. They are abusive, manipulative shits. Do not dance with them. Do not humor their bullshit. Do not tolerate…

  • People like this are why Donald Trump is President

    When your city is a disaster zone. When it is a catastrophe. When it’s a literal human rights violation. When most of your city is one, incessant traffic jam. When there is filth and trash everywhere. Discarded hypodermic syringes everywhere. City officials should be doing full prostrations before any company willing to try to conduct…

  • Witness

    This is what I witnessed today. I was on my bicycle in a scenic area near the coast. I was climbing up – along some parts the steep grade was rather challenging and along other parts it was only moderate. Normally along this route, on a weekend, there will be a lot of vehicles. Near…

  • Finished with Java, what next?

    I just finished my advanced Java programming course. Now that I have learned Java I want to take my programming knowledge and over the next weeks: 1. Learn C Currently using Ritchie and Kernighan’s The C Programming Language as my text but so far in chapter 1 I’m not happy with the book because it…

  • Potatoes are from the Americas… not?

    Exciting new research by a professor of paleobotany at Indiana University Bloomington suggests that the morning glory family has its origin not in the Americas but in eastern Gondwana and at a time much earlier than previously thought. One thing that’s interesting about this is that South America was part of Gondwana also, but it…

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