A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Gradeschool teachers in the U.S.A. going through hell

    … and as per usual they are gaslighting the fuck out of the American people about it. Colin Flaherty frequently uses the term “deceit, delusion, and denial”. I think it’s straight-up gaslighting – straight-up creepy mind control shit which results in actual bloodshed. The U.S. has a disease which is resulting in suffering. It manifests…

  • A shocking story that everyone must read regardless of your beliefs

    This story is required reading for all people concerned with politics and social issues, regardless of whether you are ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’ or anything else. This story is about a shocking reality that underlies everyday life for tens of millions of people, yet it is a reality which is covered up, blocked out, and ignored.…

  • Stop “India First” Job Takeover

    gofundme.com: Stop “India First” Job Takeover Over the last two decades thousands of hard working middle class Americans have seen their lives turned upside down, caused mainly by the rampant use/misuse of the H-1B/L-1 and OPT work visas. These visas were meant to bring into this country “a limited number of highly skilled workers from…

  • We’re in trouble with fresh groundwater

    sciencedaily.com: US groundwater in peril: Potable supply less than thought The U.S. groundwater supply is smaller than originally thought, according to a new research study that includes a University of Arizona hydrologist. The study provides important insights into the depths of underground fresh and brackish water in some of the most prominent sedimentary basins across…

  • Dear President Trump

    Watched your video with VP Pence, Schumer, and Pelosi. I hope you intend to completely crush Schumer and Pelosi. Drive a stake through their hearts. Show no hesitation.

  • Reading about my genetic ancestors

    They lived in regions of central and western Asia and later eastern Europe for tens of thousands of years (my ancestors were the proto Indo-Europeans who invented the wheel – and also are related to ancient native Americans). Tens of thousands of years in the same area, for a people. Think of that. Now people…

  • Rosa Parks was never treated this badly

    Rosa Parks was never treated this badly. If even one incident like this – which every day occur across America – was the other way around – whites attacking a black – it would be headline news. There would be prosecution for hate crimes. But when it’s blacks against a white person – this is…

  • How it works

    How it works: Populations are sold out, betrayed, and killed by the politicians who “represent” them. The populations elect the politicians in “democracy”. Most of the “democracy” is purely based on money. Sometimes it involves “races” of competing candidates who try to smear each other and who make mostly empty and false claims to voters.…

  • Your People

    So today I went down to a shopping mall near an area where I used to live which is now a ways away from me. I just wanted a change of scenery and my memories of going to that indoor mall and walking around were always pleasant. But, being back at that mall today, it…

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