A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • Being Racist

    For a white person in the United States and in many other countries being racist means not shutting up and bleeding. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/951480205988380672 Corey Booker, T-Bone and the greatest lie of our generation: the hoax of black victimization. A new podcast from colin flaherty.

  • Emergency! 76,325 illegal border crossings in February

    76,325 illegal border crossings in February. Close the damned border. Declare martial law. Shut down fucked up Congress. Shut down lying, fake, enemy-of-the-American-people mainstream media. And KICK OUT THE ILLEGALS and stop legal immigration as well. Start paying people to go back to their home countries. I am riding on a bus downtown and there…

  • Immigration Enforcement Failure

    “About 99 percent of border crossers and illegal aliens who are put into ATD programs and released into the interior of the U.S. are never deported.” What a complete fucking outrage. Americans should be protesting this en masse. We never voted for open borders. We never voted for our cities to be flooded with illegals.…

  • Toxic Plastic – A Serious Workplace Hazard

    The toxicity of many plastics is well-known. Plasticizing agents act as very powerful endocrine disruptors. They can mimic sex hormones and cause birth defects and abnormalities. Today I went to a Target store and asked an employee for a piece of plastic which I needed. The employee came back and gave me a very large…

  • Sanctuary

    Building a wall to keep them out and keep this from happening is “immoral”.   Statement from ICE: Javier Hernandez-Morales was a Mexican national unlawfully present in the United States who had been previously removed three times prior to 2011. After 2011, ICE issued detainers four separate times for Hernandez-Morales following his arrests for local…

  • Hate Hoax Spreader-in-Chief

    Kamala Harris – an embarrassment to California and to the United States. People who spread hate hoaxes and smoke dope are not qualified for federal nor for any office. How fucking convenient for her the hoax was. How inconvenient that scammer lowlife scumfuck Smollett’s lies are revealed. They filled in everything for her platform. What…

  • Spending Bill Travesty

    No government should ever put the interests of non-citizens above citizens.  Congress no longer represents the people of the United States. President Trump, shut down this defective, traitorous body of government. This has gone on long enough.  It’s been going on since the primaries in 2015, it’s still going on, and it will continue to…

  • Marketing Strategy

    Imagine thinking that you need a marketing strategy for your web site.

  • Thank you WordPress, BytesForAll

    For years alaya.net has been running with WordPress and the Atahualpa theme by BytesForAll. Now that I’ve actually studied web development I see how this site can be radically improved. When I first set this site up I did the best I could at the time. WordPress and Atahualpa have been great. They allowed me…

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