A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • End/Beginning Year Reflections

    As an end/beginning-of-year reflection I would like this give deepest appreciation first to all the non-human living beings which occupy the Earth with us. It’s devastating and sickening how most humans take life for granted, but I do not ever want to. Every organism that is part of this world is unique and special in…

  • Why Is This Stuff Important?

    The Internet as a human invention – and accomplishment – is not just some arbitrary thing. It is built upon actual technologies that consist of different components which provide different functionalities all of which enable the Internet to function. Not everything is what appears when people visit a web page with their browser. There are…

  • The Massive Race Lie

    Modern Eurasians are more closely related to Neanderthals and to Homo erectus than to modern sub-saharan africans. Let me repeat that: Modern Eurasians are more closely related to Neanderthals and to Homo erectus than to modern sub-saharan africans. They are straight-up lying about race. Sub-saharan africans are unquestionably and beyond any scientific doubt a different…

  • Bioethics

    The state department of public health has created an app that is capable of tracking movements and maintaining a database of who has been in contact with who, who has potentially been exposed to who who might have Covid-19. Obviously this type of technology could be used for any sort of communicable disease but at…

  • AtrocityFirst

    AtrocityFirst is the real agenda of the anti-white terrorist regime that controls the United States People like Nancy Pelosi are the leaders of the AtrocityFirst PAC. They have destroyed the United States of America. They have closed our factories and moved jobs to China. They have imported millions of scab laborers to steal our jobs…

  • The USA is an Atrocity

    This is what the globalist American empire wants for every country on Earth. Any country that doesn’t accept this for its people is deemed evil and racist, and will be boycotted and pariahed internationally. Such nations will never get the "benefit" of Disney, of inane superhero movies, of anti-white Netflix, and a host of other…

  • The Holocult is Their Source of Control

    The Holocult is their source of control and power over the West. They know it, and they vehemently try to defend it, to the point of telling sovereign nations what they are and are not allowed to say about their country’s history. In Ukraine, tens of millions of people were starved to death during the…

  • Extremely Informative Documentary about Ukraine

    This is an extremely informative documentary about Ukraine. I would not say it is perfect by any means. It makes wrong assumptions in some cases, depicts things wrongly, or glosses over things. But all-in-all it is good and provides a lot of critical insight into the situation in Ukraine. The basic gist is that Ukraine…

  • This Should Be Google’s Slogan

    What can’t we fuck up? ✔️ E-mail ✔️ Messaging ✔️ File transfers over http They have entire teams which specialize in fucking up things which normally work so that they can bastardize them in order to ‘provide’ them to users in order to make profit. ‘E-mail’ which isn’t e-mail because you can’t actually use it…

  • Shipposting


    Don’t get the wrong idea: That’s ship-posting, mate 😉 There’s an entire category of videos online about ships. Especially interesting are the videos of the largest container ships that sail the seas. There’s something zen about sea vessels, the way they gradually yet intently move. The patience that is required to guide enormous vessels floating…

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