A commitment to innovation and sustainability

  • This brings tears to my eyes when I read it

    bbc.com Introducing Hong Kong’s ‘umbrella soldiers’

  • The “holiday season” charade

    The holiday season, Christmas season, is a charade. Christmas is approaching. There will be lights, parties, Christmas trees and nativity scenes… it’s all a charade. The world continues to go to war. — Pope Francis “Unmanned” investigates the impact of U.S. drone strikes at home and abroad, observing their effect on the War on Terror,…

  • America’s Preparedness Report Card

    Many governments are unfortunately not facing the issue of climate change. People feel extremely angry and betrayed when they find out down the road that they were sold out, that something they expected to be able to rely upon fails. We all expect governments to be intelligent and to plan appropriately, and to anticipate future…

  • The outrageousness of Daylight Savings Time

    From a Systems Management perspective, Daylight Savings Time is simply outrageous. We have to remember that it was created by Ben Franklin in the era of the horse and buggy. Most people did not even have clocks, much less exist in environments where the precise measurement and keeping of time was ubiquitous. If a team…

  • Footprints of the Ice Age

    Even while global warming and its impending devastating consequences is occupying everyone’s concern its still fascinating to look back and study that last ice age – the Wisconsan Glaciation – which happened only a relatively recent time ago, and which ended rather quickly after what I believe was a meteor impact which caused catastrophic sudden…

  • Hacking with color

    This image is in PNG format with a color profile of “Lenovo Thinkpad LCD Monitor” which may correspond to the 1600×900 display of the Thinkpad W520 that it was created on. Below is the same image in sRGB format which is the unfortunately the standard for computers and the web. It does not look better…

  • Designing colors

    I like designing colors. I have found that really trying to design specific colors is difficult. For a tool I use a laptop computer with an LED-backlit LCD display. One problem I am noticing is that the gamut seems too narrow. I know that there are colors missing at the edge of the spectrum in…

  • No need to deport 11 million illegal immigrants

    There is no need to deport the 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States. At least not all of them. The Republican presidential candidates including John Kasich are being disingenuous because they already know full well that that is not what needs to be done. There is no need to physically deport 11 million…

  • Daylight savings enslavement

    Time is time. No one should own it. No one should control it. My time is my time, and your time is your time. Our time is our time. No one has a right to take or change your time or my time. If someone wants to change their times, that is fine for them.…

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