The Primordial Being

There is this extremely powerful computer hidden away somewhere.  At some point in the future a group of people, concerned about the destruction of planet Earth, input everything about the human species and the planet into the computer.  DNA, sociology, psychology, history, physiology, everything.

The computer is able to analyze everything, develop an accurate model, and detect patterns, somewhat like the way long-term, climatological modelling is done with advanced computing systems.

The computer runs and because the data is so complete, it “locks onto” an accurate model for the world and for humanity. After its analysis it diserns in the data to a strikingly high level of certainty that in fact there is a serious problem which can be traced very deeply. The level of probability is so high it rules out that the result of the analysis could have happened through chance correlation or faulty and misleading inductive analysis. In short, when the computer had all the information, the result sort of jumped out at it. This result was only able to do so via this extremely powerful computer and with the comprehensive data, including the human genetic code, which had been fed into it.

And now, a group of people were literally holding this data in their hands. The key to human history, to the countless wars, the misery, the destruction, the sensless violence and injustice which has plagued humanity and imperiled the very existence of life on Earth was clear. There was an answer. A clear, unequivocal answer why it all was.

But things are not that simple. Even if you or I had such information in our hands, would it actually be able to benefit us or anyone?

It was the intention of this group of people to use the information for the benefit of Earth. And thus started the war…

But, actually, as the results showed, the war began long ago and has been waging continuously for millions of years. This story gets strange. It involves entities which can be depersonified or personified and can extend across multiple personas…

It all began millions and millions of years ago with a cell. The primordial cell was a complete being, in balance and harmony with everything. The harmony was so deep that in essence there was no actual distinction between the cell and the environment, the Earth, the sky, the sea, and even the Sun. All were a complete totality as if one interdependent being with different modes of expression.

It was just like the myth of Eden. This primordial being, this cell, was like Adam. It only knew harmony and bliss.

But then came an infection…

There were two ways that the primordial cell could have responded to it. The infection activated its immune response as it should have. Actually, at that time, the cell didn’t really have an immune system like we think. It had no need to protect itself until this event. It got tricked. The cell got lured into accepting the outside thing instead of rejecting it. At that moment, it imperiled its destiny and the future of Earth forever changed.

From that time on the outside thing became integrated into the DNA of the primordial being and all its progeny. That complete bliss and harmony with nature was lost. From this point on, every offspring of the primordial being was infected with the “original sin”, the defect became integrated into their being. From an ontological perspective this meant that every offspring from the primordial being would have to struggle for harmony…

The data was clear but also overwhelming. Just being exposed to the data had an uncanny effect on those who were exposed to it.

Members of the team began to pour through the data. Immediately there were clear patterns pointing to major attributes of human physiology, psychology, society, and history where the patterns were clear.

Then one of the team members noticed something interesting. The infection as a depersonified entity or agent acting upon the world was actually able to form symbiotic relationships with other, more simple organisms.

A historic analysis of human enteric microorganisms based on rare samples from human bodies that were found well-preserved in frozen states just before the dawn of the industrial era, through the modern age to the present, revealed an alarming pattern.

Enteric microorganisms in humans had changed dramatically and this change correlated to a high degree of precision with psychological, sociological, physiological, and cultural shifts of humanity. The data was deeply disturbing. The primordial infection of human DNA had formed symbiotic relationships and the organisms were causing dramatic changes in human behavior.

There was one telltale sign of the enteric microorganisms and their effect on the behavior of humans: sugar. The microorganisms love sugar. They are able to strongly influence the reward centers and even alter complex human behavior in order to supply themselves with sugar.

But these enteric micororgaisms were only proxies for the much darker, more deeply entwined primal infection that was incorporated into the human genetic code.

I wrote earlier that things are not that simple and indeed they are not. What the computer’s analysis showed was that, after the primordial infection, basically there has been a protracted war acting itself out both internally and externally to humans for the entire course of history at the personal, cultural, social, and global levels.

In fact, the infection had to adapt itself to living in human DNA. And within human DNA there is still a part which remembers the primordial bliss and harmony, and reacts to the primordial infection as a disease. It is still, after millions of years, trying to heal itself. There is a war being acted out at deep levels. Sometimes the agents of the wars are in different people, or in different groups. All this happens without humans really understanding what is happening. They are like unwitting proxies or agents for this primordial war.

(to be continued…)


* the Primordial Healer (PH) which formed out of the collective DNA lattice as a response to the sickness, in an effort to cure itself

* how the team’s deepening knowledge of human DNA led them to infer the existence of the PH

* the team narrow down by inference how/when/where the PH would have manifested

* they begin searching for the PH

* the find the PH, living borderline destitute with PTSD…