Wow the Universe is trippy

We are all familiar with the standard concept gravity as attraction between two objects which have mass. Many are probably also familiar to some degree with more out-there aspects of gravity such as frame dragging, and Ricci and Weyl curvatures which relate to tidal aspects of gravity.

But I’ve just been reading about another, mysterious aspect of gravity which has been theorized as far back as by Einstein himself in the 1920’s, which relates to tortional effect. Tortion is twisting. Imagine that some body’s twisting causes a permutation in spacetime which affects other bodies in its vicinity, in a similar way that gravity extends out and affects other bodies. However this effect is not the attractional component of gravity but rather a tortional component – a twisting or spinning component.

It turns out that appending the theory of gravity to account for this tortional component potentially resolves some issues about the Big Bang and the Cosmos.

It has even been theorized that there might be some component of gravity which goes beyond this even. In other words, beyond the basic attraction property, the tidal property, and the tortional property, there might actually be other more complex properties via which objects exert an effect on other objects. Quite trippy.


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