Business first, citizens second: The new paradigm for America

Earlier this afternoon there was an extremely loud aircraft which flew repeatedly overhead over and over and over towing a banner for an insurance company. For the sake of an advertisement, thousands of residents had to sacrifice their quiet, peaceful enjoyment of their homes on a Saturday afternoon so that an insurance company could advertise itself.

Its clear, extremely clear, that the authorities are in place to facilitate businesses selling and marketing things to consumers, the public. What the authorities are first and foremost concerned with is not the welfare of the public, it is the welfare of businesses.

This is occurring in the most sickening way at the federal level right now also. The president and congress are talking about helping “the economy” and making it a priority. Yet they are now proposing to grant mass amnesty to the 10-20 million illegal aliens in the country, two-thirds of whom lack a high school diploma. Middle-class jobs such as electrician, plumber, and even landscaper have been destroyed. No one voted for this. This most certainly is not in the interest of American citizens. Yet it is what business and government have decided to do.

As community colleges essentially rot – as the one in my city is – as course offerings are shamefully inadequate and paltry – the high-tech industry is clamoring again for congress to increase the number of visas for foreign tech workers. This too is an outrage.

It indicates that, on most if not all levels, government is now serving the interests of businesses first.

Yet it is a fundamental precept that no government should ever put the interests of others above those of its own citizens.