Beset by a freezing winter and stifling fuel and electricity shortages, Syrian civilians desperate to stay warm in a northern forest have no choice but to cut down trees for firewood.
Once a tourist destination for Syrians and other Arabs across the Middle East, the formerly pristine national park to the north and west of the city of Idlib is being systematically stripped bare.
Bald, muddy swathes of fresh-cut land now stretch in many directions, with men using chainsaws to bring trees down and dozens of pick-up trucks coming and going for loads of lumber.
source: Rare trees turned into firewood as Syrian civilians struggle for warmth
There are 6 billion humans on Earth and the number is increasing. Fossil fuel resources are becoming more scarce. Eventually they will be sufficiently close to depletion that they will be unavailable to a significant portion of the human population. If people think that there are environmental catastrophes now, they should wait until that time comes.
When that time comes, just like in this article, faced with freezing or not being able to cook, humans are going to burn anything and everything they can.
If the human population was only what it was say 200 years ago, this would not be as severa a problem. But the explosion of the human population is going to have disastrous consequences which as yet are unforseen.
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