New Highly-Efficient Toilets in San Francisco

photo of highly effecient toilet
picture of new, highly efficient toilet that was just installed in my apartment

It looks like the City and/or County of San Francisco has a program to increase water efficiency and install new toilets in apartments. A couple days ago someone came and replaced my older toilet, which I hated, with this extremely cool, new one which uses a fraction of the water the old one did.

The only sad thing is that it is taking so long to get everyone to use new, efficient plumbing devices like this.

But even the idea of flushing feces and urine down into a pipe containing freshwater is absolutely crazy. Ultimately this has to be changed.

I also believe that by law all sink and bathtub spigots should be required to have a standardized interface whereby attachments such as hoses can be attached. I have always wanted to be able to attach a hose to my bathtub spigot, as this would be a nice, extremely water-efficient way to quickly and easily rinse my body.

Of course there are hose attachments which go on the shower head but those are not the same. Its much better to squat in the tub and also more useful for children, pets, or having to rinse/cleanse things.

In the future humans are going to have to learn to control the water – and fire – energies better.  Irresponsible misuse and disrespect of both is causing major problems.  Massive overuse and waste of fossil fuels is one huge case of misuse and disrespect of fire energy.


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