Defend against mites and other parasites

From time to time most people probably experience times when we feel kind of itchy all over or on certain areas of our bodies. Of course such a feeling can be related to many possible factors including histamine response in the skin. Yet it can also be from organisms such as mites which can live in our clothes or bedding.

One idea I’ve come up with is to occasionally treat my skin or bedding with some kind of medication to keep organisms in check.

In addition to common-sense measures like keeping clean bed linens, I am now of the belief that an occasional application of an oil or medicine to the skin or bedding is a good idea.

Today at the health food store I decided to purchase an actual lice medication which is based on Tea Tree, Ylang Ylang, and other essential oils. Even though I’m not concerned about lice, any medication which is capable of controlling lice will be capable of controlling other parasites.

Tea Tree is known to be one of the most powerful essential oils. The formula therefore appealed to me. This particular product comes in a spray bottle and includes a nit pick (yes, an actual hair pick designed to get out the egg clusters of lice, called nits), and a shower cap. The cap of course would be used for treating head lice.

One word of caution: I have never actually tried an herbal formula like this with a louse (lice, scabies, or crabs) infestation. For those it may be better to use a medication with synthetic pyrethrins. Although these are considered toxic, mostly in natural sectors, in fact pyrethrin was originally from a species of chrysanthemum flower. If someone has a louse infestation I would recommend using the most powerful medicine available to wipe it out as quickly as possible. Over-the-counter lice treatments work very well and are less toxic than most people claim.

Although buying the pre-made formula was convenient, in the future I’ll try to make my own.

I wonder what people will do in the future if there are no more fossil fuels. Where will we get tea tree oil?

So much of the way we think and operate is based on the presumption of an abundance of inexpensive energy. It makes me want to go into the forest and start experimenting…