Curiosity rover has successfully landed on Mars!


One of the very first images received from the Mars Curiosity rover after landing on the evening of 5 August 2012 Pacific Time.
“linearized” version of one of the first images from the Curiosity rover


image of Curiosity’s descent during parachute phase taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter


NASA’s Curiosity rover has, after a tricky process, successully landed on the surface of Mars.  It gives me hope to think that our species, with its intelligence and capacity to achieve great accomplishments, will also be able to achieve solutions to the serious crises our Earth is facing right now due to the actions of our species, and to find ways to live sustainably and peacefully on Planet Earth.

I also hope that the ability to make such achievements will not be limited to a select few in our society as increasingly seems to be the case.  It would not be an America anyone would recognize in which the opportunities for accomplishment are available only to certain, privileged classes.

It would be a shame if, while we bask in glory at technological accomplishments, there are symphonies or great works of literature unwritten, works of art never created, and classical knowledge which is not transmitted to the future because of our narrowness.

In terms of the dangers and threats we are facing on all levels right now, we are far from being past the perilous re-entry stage for our species and for our planet.

May we all summon the skill and perseverance to overcome the challenges we are facing right now as humans.


For more images and info on the Mars Science Laboratory visit here.


one of the first images taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover


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