
The state department of public health has created an app that is capable of tracking movements and maintaining a database of who has been in contact with who, who has potentially been exposed to who who might have Covid-19.

Obviously this type of technology could be used for any sort of communicable disease but at the current time it is being used for Covid-19.

So I, as an individual, have a choice now as to whether to allow this app…

Let me back up. Fundamentally I have to choose whether to track myself. I have to choose whether I want to track myself and allow that to be accessed by other people for the sake of potential protection from the spread of a disease.

This reminds me of these flyers I used to see downtown many years ago in the seedier parts of town on which med students or doctors wanting to engage in research were looking for junkies. The flyers would basically say they are looking for users of whatever illicit, dangerous substance to participate in a study.

I was always bothered by these flyers. On some level, something seems wrong about them. Think of what they are actually doing. It’s like saying "Wanted: Heroin junkies to help med student do research.". Whenever I would see one of these flyers, I would always think "Wow. Thank goodness for all those junkies so that the medical students can do their research."

I’m not going to go into this any more. Obviously there’s a lot that could potentially be unpacked on this regarding why we have medicine, why there are medical students, why people do research, what type of research is good, etc. These are all interesting considerations. But I just want to leave the impression that I would always have, seeing these flyers on lamp posts downtown, that always left me with a strange and unsettled feeling.

It was almost as if the junkies were being used. As if the entire thing, by these studies, was somehow turned into a big game, a game which couldn’t occur without the essential component of the junkies – the people engaging in extremely destructive, illegal behavior that obviously should not be engaged in in the first place, and which no member of a healthy society – in my opinion – should ever condone be it through explicitly helping the person with their drug use, or indirectly via somehow legitimizing it as a valid topic of medical investigation.

The cure for heroin addiction is to stop using heroin. I don’t care about why a person uses heroin. I don’t care about about their psychological nor physiological state. I’ve known a few junkies in my time and they were pretty much fucked up, bad people.

We all have pressures in life. But that’s not ever an excuse to start injecting heroin into one’s veins. It’s that simple. To think anything else is actually not compassion, it’s ignorance. The cure for a junkie is to STOP INJECTING HEROIN INTO YOUR BODY and that’s it. No medical study needed. No funds wasted.

Now with Covid-19 there are all these proposed measures. Studies being undertaken. But, behind it all, there is something missing. And it’s the same exact thing I wrote about when this all began: Where is the research about people who are doing healthy things, such as taking vitamin C, zinc, and glutathione proactively, who are eating healthy diets and practicing a good lifestyle?

There are plenty of studies about experimental drugs, etc. But before even knowing what’s right they are wasting trillions of dollars pursuing what’s wrong. No where has been established in mainstream media, by government spokespeople, etc. what’s right. They only care about – consistently hound us and scare us about – what’s wrong.

And now these same people want me to track myself.

No, I’m not going to do it.

What I will do is publicly let you be aware of my healthy lifestyle and my diet. I’m an extremely healthy vegan who eats mostly organic food. I never eat sugar. I eat basically no refined carbs in my diet: No pastas, breads, cereals, biscuits, etc. None of that processed shit. None. I eat whole grain foods. One of my favorites is this 7-grain porridge that I love to eat – sometimes two bowls a day. I love the black rice that is called "forbidden rice". I’m not sure if it’s fertilized without chicken litter (a.k.a. chicken shit) but, unlike most rices available on the market, I think it is (not fertilized with chicken litter).

I love eating beans. My favorites are canellini beans and black turtle beans. Fava beans are great too.

I use a lot of olive oil every day. I pour it on my rice, on my beans, on my salads. Oh yeah, I forgot salads.

Every day I eat good vegetables: organic kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower. I love to steam veggie with my rice, including eggplant. Love eggplant! I often have one or two small organic yukon potatoes with my rice, or else a few slices of japanese sweet potato or other type of sweet potato.

So yeah, show me this study or public health app. Show me the one for life, which is what I’m talking about.

Yes there may be all these intriguing alternatives to actual life that people may want to pursue – even make large amounts of profit from – but all I’m concerned about is life. And life is simple.

But life’s also difficult, because in many ways life is fucked. Life, overall, isn’t having a good time of it right now in this world. In so many ways life is under constant duress and under threat. Life is not thriving. Life is struggling. Life is barely able to make it.

Perhaps this is connected to the fact that what is supposed to be the establishment dedicated to the promotion of health and life is unfortunately pursuing other things.

I’m willing to help with public health. I just did.

But if you claim to want me to help while I’m struggling with my life, where my health and well-being is threatened every day from abjectly evil and ignorant public policies that result in more and more suffering in this world, you can go fuck yourself.

You assholes can’t even deal with fundamental, basic problems.

Go fix the horrendous, basic shit that’s fucked up and come back to me about your Covid app.


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