
AtrocityFirst is the real agenda of the anti-white terrorist regime that controls the United States

People like Nancy Pelosi are the leaders of the AtrocityFirst PAC. They have destroyed the United States of America. They have closed our factories and moved jobs to China. They have imported millions of scab laborers to steal our jobs from the level of manual labor jobs to that of advanced STEM jobs and everything in between. They have allowed our sold-out system of higher education to be Foreigner First and Americans Last.  They preside over the demonization and torture of White Americans while we are subject to vicious cruelty in all our metropolitan areas, in schools, and multifarious other contexts. They steal our wealth, and use the name and status of their offices to enrich themselves.

The United States of America is run an AtrocityFirst terrorst regime that is anti-White and anti-American. And neither Donald Trump, Ron Desantis, Ted Cruz, nor any other rotten scammers will save the country, because they are part of the grift. The allegiance all these people have is always to themselves and to their kind. Their faux opposition against each other is a stage show designed to swindle Americans and keep us confused.

The United States is doomed. It is already dead. There might exist vestiges of it’s former self in small pockets, but the anti-White terrorist regime is rushing to destroy every last vestige. They are literally forcing American taxpayers to pay for flying aliens around the country, targeting the most white areas.

“I’m a tyrannical planet killer”
Corporations that are boycotting Russia. Have these evil corporations ever considered how their agglomeration on this list exposes that they are the evil, demonic, AtrocityFirst, eco-rapacious, anti-freedom terrorists? Did they ever consider that the vast majority of humans on Earth know that they are evil, and that we are better off without their shit?

Enslavement to money is evil. As a tool used by societies to facilitate trade and commerce it can be useful. But when money becomes the goal, the society becomes evil. People like Pelosi, with the $120 million that she pilfered while in office, and the evil Biden family are the biggest slaves to money.

A society that is administered and controlled by slaves is an evil society. It is an AtrocityFirst society.


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