Asymptomatic Transmission?

Byambasuren’s review also found that asymptomatic individuals were 42% less likely to transmit the virus than symptomatic people.

As part of a large population study in Geneva, Switzerland, researchers modelled viral spread among people living together. In a manuscript posted on medRxiv this month2, they report that the risk of an asymptomatic person passing the virus to others in their home is about one-quarter of the risk of transmission from a symptomatic person.

researchers disagree about the extent to which asymptomatic infections are contributing to community transmission. If the studies are correct in finding that asymptomatic people are a low transmission risk, “these people are not the secret drivers of this pandemic”, says Byambasuren. They “are not coughing or sneezing as much, they’re probably not contaminating as much surfaces as other people”.

The immune systems of asymptomatic individuals might be able to neutralize the virus more rapidly What the data say about asymptomatic COVID infections

In-between and around all these statements which essentially damn then entire tyrannical, human-rights-violating policies discriminating against people who have not been vaccinated, are copious amounts of qualifiers. Because bullshit bullshit bullshit narrative narrative narrative.

They don’t want to know and they don’t want you to know. Just continue being a logical and intellectual cripple and follow The Plan.