Genocide is Our Strength

Being a genocided, subjugated people, with our country invaded, our institutions of higher education taken over by foreigners, the top positions in our society going to foreigners, and our middle and lower classes completely fucked over in the job and housing markets – is our strength.

Get that straight, goy.

You have one right under this tyranny which is genociding you: shut up and bleed. Shut up and die.

I listen to dissident right people but I have to honestly say: Things are already at a late stage. What do these people think as they make their podcasts and write their articles? How many doctors and graduate students of elite universities are among their followers? That’s right, probably none. And what do they think about that? What do they honestly think is going to happen in a society in which they have been overwhelmingly, almost completely displaced from all higher positions in society? Who has the vastly overwhelming power in this situation? How do they think that dismantling such a system – and I fully support dismantling it down to the very last bolt – how do they think it’s going to occur?


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