Reflections On the Future

For the past couple days I’ve been reading about the history of sanitation. It’s pretty fascinating actually. Thousands of years ago some groups of humans were already smart enough to use clay pipes in early sewer systems to remove waste water.

Basically the really smart civilizations were the ones which were good at water engineering. Having a clean city where there were not sanitation and subsequent health problems meant – and still means – being on top of sanitation and sewage.

I saw a meme recently in which in one frame a black woman is at a university and says “Decolonize this university”. In the next frame is the viking man who says “OK” and in place of the university there’s a grass hut.

There are other memes based on the fact that basically, over thousands of years of civilization, in sub-Saharan Africa people never managed to build anything much beyond the most basic huts. They didn’t even build two-story structures.

And of course they did not create sewer systems or have any type of systems for engineering water.

One interesting note in what I was reading was that the Incas apparently did invent fairly advanced sewage systems for their cities.

I remember watching that interview with Jared Taylor in which the hostile interviewer was trying to counter Jared’s position by justifying the lack of more advanced technology in sub-Saharan Africa as being based on the fact that, due to the environment, there was no need for them to create advanced technology.

But unfortunately in that interview Jared missed the most important counter to the interviewer’s assertion: If it’s the case that they never needed to develop advanced technology, that means that they had no reason to evolve more advance behaviors. That doesn’t give an excuse as much as it condemns them. It is basically a reason WHY they didn’t evolve more advanced capabilities, not an excuse for it not having evolved. It was sitting there right in front of Jared but he missed it.

Back to the topic, recently I also re-watched the documentary “Planet of the Humans”. It is probably the most important documentary for every person to watch, next to the series “The Lobby” – both the British and the American ones.

People are living in a state of delusion that is propped up by an extensive propaganda and disinformation apparatus. The documentary “Planet of the Humans” was itself subject to censorship and a major disinformation and smear campaign.

However it’s abundantly clear that the main points of the documentary are dead on and there can be no argument that pretty much the entire “green energy” thing is a big sham. Many if not most of the big players involved are deliberately scamming but many others who are willfully going along are dupes. And of course with something like green energy it’s very easy to recruit legions of new, well-intentioned dupes.

Watching that documentary raises fundamental questions about the very course of humanity at the present and where it will head in the not-too-distant future. We already know the plays they are making for the future: Governments are buying up huge tracts of land in equatorial regions around the globe to be used as vast biomass plantations when fossil fuel sources become more and more scarce.

What will fuel the aircraft carriers and luxury jets of the elites? Even if the rest of the world will be experiencing a dramatic shift due to the scarcity of once-abundant fossil fuels sources and the multifarious benefits they impart, militaries and the elite class will still be able to maintain something close to the status quo with their global biomass production farms. Gotta keep those F35’s and Lear Jets flying.

More than anything, one primary agenda the elite global rapists must have is to prevent people from recognizing the vast rapaciousness of what they are planning and in fact are already starting to implement. That rapaciousness will become much clearer in the future, but by that time the existence of the average human on Earth will be so radically different than the present that they will not have much if any opportunity to be able to do anything. The gulf between the elites with their resources and the average human will be vast and will be very stark.

In fact if people right now could be fully aware of the differences they would see that they are already vast. What keeps people from being aware of the vast differences is the smokescreen provided by the current availability of resources and conveniences in modern society.

One fundamental point in “Planet of the Humans” is that cutting down trees is bad. Destroying forests is bad. There’s no upside to it. And, with a huge global population of humans – and insane policies based on greed and an ever-growing economy and increasing populations – there’s no way that more and more forests must not be cut down to enable the provision of resources, be it biomass for fuel or other types of resources.

This post is actually diverging a long way now from where I was initially planning on going with it. But all these points above are critically important and part of the backdrop of the future that every human will experience.

But I was thinking on a more micro level about the future. Against this horrific stuff going on – the vast ecological rape, the catastrophic strain on resources, the ensuing collapses and breakdowns of the most fundamental societal structures, and the ensuing extreme tyrannies that the elites will try to perpetuate – on a micro level thing could be pretty interesting.

Just as the present, highly technological, industrialized civilization grew from more basic, incremental beginnings, so, when resources dwindle – in particular fossil fuels – will it necessarily go backwards, almost in reverse to where it came from.

And I’ve been wondering about how far reverse it will go. Human civilization and technology advanced over thousands of years – from the craftful bashing of stones to create sharp edges to be used as basic tools and implements, through the melting of rocks to smelt primitive metals with inferior qualities (but still useful as tools), to more advanced metalsmithing and the ability to make intricate, refined objects.

Then you get to the modern era and, around the time of Thomas Edison, electricity was discovered and they started making basic electronic vacuum tubes from glass.

If everything were pulled away from us, if fossil fuels were gone and basically the whole infrastructure of modern technological society were gone, could people get back to these earlier points? How easily could they do it? How far could they get with metalsmithing? Would they even be able to get to the level of primitive electronics?

I definitely think it would be possible and I think there are enough industrious people who could do it. But there’s another consideration. Society would be totally fucked. You would have tens of millions of people really fucked up, on the edge, living in squalor with dwindling or no resources, who are hungry and cold and still need to eat and shit. And all those systems are gone. It would be a fucking mess.

If it were possible for intelligent groups of people to be in places unaffected by this unfolding disaster and the unimaginable horrors that might come from it, how far could they get in developing a decent and far more ecologically-wholesome way of living. A way of living on Earth that, no longer supported by fossil fuels and the vast rape apparatus, would be truly green, truly sustainable?

I like to think about this point and these people and the things they would invent.

Take for example bicycles. Bicycles are a great invention. They are ingenious. But look at a modern bicycle. Take for example the crankset, the drive system of a bicycle: It relies on two sets of gears, shifters, and a chain. The front set of gears on a bicycle are not that complex. The front derailleur is fairly fine but if people were really good at metalsmithing and metal working I suppose they could design halfway decent ones. But what about the cassette? That’s the cogs of gears on the rear wheel – usually ten or more – that spin around, and is usually made from a very high-grade of steel.

It doesn’t seem likely that it would be easy to make something like that. A lot of things that we’re used to would turn out like this. They consist of some components the materials for which or the degree of precision manufacturing would be difficult or impossible to achieve with much more limited technology.

So people would have to think differently. The drivetrain of a bicycle would have to be re-thought in terms of what is desirable versus what is attainable. And, with this kind of balance between what is desired and what is possible to attain, a whole new technology would come to exist. The technology which it would be wise to think about now.

One of the greatest evils of the green scam is that it’s preventing us from exploring these paths right now, because we’re so deluded and caught up in the scam about sustaining this current rapacious system that we’re lost.

Yes it’s nice to have some ultra-fast bicycle made with highly-engineered components which could only be created from the present rapacious system, but how much better would it be to start creating things that are based on a different model, one that could be sustained indefinitely?

We are not designing those things and not thinking that way because we’re too absorbed in the lie and the conveniences of the rapacious model.

From this viewpoint, switching to the truly sustainable model would seem like a loss. And that’s sad. Because it can be seen as a new opportunity for invention and creativity, one that’s based on balance and in harmony with life.

So yes, bicycles, septic systems, wastewater systems if it’s possible again to have something like cities – there will need to be all these new inventions based on and informed by the old ones – the one’s we’re living with now but which are exhausting us and destroying life.

If we were truly healthy we would be excited about these things and eager to explore and create and see how far we can go.

But during that time, the remnants of the global elites’ rapacious, militaristic system would still exist. It truly will be a struggle against the enslavement of Earth. The struggle is already now.


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