Whites as Dangerous Monsters

Saw this great post by John Rivers:

the CRT [Critical Race Theory] and Cuck Right both agree with the fundamental premise (and Jewish Blood Libel) that lies behind CRT and Diversity Training and White Erasure: that if White People ever have a strong White Identity to rally behind … then a New Holocaust will be the inevitable result

in this worldview, Whites are like a Dangerous Monster – like a Werewolf or Vampire – who are only temporarily harmless because we have forgotton who we are and the world is only safe as long as we remain ignorant of our true nature

— John Rivers

We must never forget, and must frequently repeat, the assertion of our fundamental rights:

White people exist. White people have a right to exist. White people have a right to exist sustainably in the cultural centers created by our ancestors, free from immigration and replacement. White people have a right to advocate for our collective self interests.

This assertion of our fundamental rights cuts through many of their attacks and boils things down to their pure essence. They want us to get tripped up in misdirections and lies. They want to keep trying to frame us into accepting false narratives that we can never win. And they always want to twist the argument away from the atrocities they’re perpetrating against us and against the world, into their being victims. Notice how they always twist the narrative away from their atrocities to their being the victims.

This is how they operate. Stick to the basic, core truths and we will not be defeated.


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