What’s Being Done to the USA is an Atrocity

Never in the history of human beings has it not been viewed as a disaster when one group of people was invaded and replaced by another. Never.

The criminals in Washington D.C. and their co-conspirators have effectively removed the borders of the United States. They are allocating public resources to benefit invaders.

They are importing hundreds of thousands of foreigners into job markets, destroying careers and life opportunities for US citizens.

Universities have turned into companies selling their products to foreigners, at the expense of US citizens. Their purposes are no longer to serve and to educate US citizens but to betray US citizens and hand out credentials and status positions in academia to foreigners.

Entire US cities are like foreign countries. The population off whites – which was around 90% only a few decades ago – has collapsed and continues to collapse.

Then there are the psychological atrocities being committed: Ubiquitous advertising which deliberately features miscegenation and which openly humiliates whites, especially white males.

There are “training” programs which are essentially anti-white training to inculcate and reinforce the guilt of whites.

What is being done in the United States is an atrocity and it must stop.

The white population has collapsed dramatically over the past few decades, from almost 90% to now what is claimed to be 60% but no doubt is much, much less in many vast areas.

Never in history was mass invasion not viewed as extremely bad and harmful. No one in the United States voted for the borders to be dissolved, nor for the government to give handouts to illegals. We did not vote to have hundreds of thousands of foreigners imported into our job markets taking what are often the best positions in the economy. We did not vote to live in increasingly overpopulated population centers and to have to deal with the subsequent vast increases in costs of housing, increased traffic congestion, and many other negative effects of mass invasion, not to mention the alienation and loss of character and safety in what were once our communities.

What is occurring in the United States is a crime. The United States is being run by criminals.