When Dissidence Goes Astray

In a country that is under a corrupt and oppressive regime it is important for there to be dissidence. It is the responsibility of citizens to engage in dissent. However that doesn’t mean all dissent is healthy or good. There can be forms of dissent which are unhealthy.

Unhealthy dissent can run the spectrum from being simply a distraction and deflection of energy and resources from otherwise more valuable applications, to being catastrophic for society.

Dissent is not something to be taken lightly. The greatest danger of dissent is not merely that of invoking the ire and repression of the corrupt, oppressive regime that its victims suffer under, but to actually work to ultimately destroy a country and cause even greater harm and damage to its people or its environment than before.

Dissent comes with a heavy responsibility. Already under the yoke of oppression it is not always the easiest thing for the oppressed to bear this burden of responsibility. The dissenters bear the responsibility of potentially causing more damage and harm to themselves and to those around them if they do not act carefully.

I’m writing this now because, witnessing yet the latest round of fiascos surrounding an officer-involved shooting of a POC in the United States (such fiascos never occur when the person shot is white), what I see concerns me. Once again we are seeing almost-simultaneous transmission of video from events depicting mayhem, violence, looting, etc. Once again all the knees jerk in mass reaction to this and, over the next few days, it filters through the blogosphere, through news, through statements by pundits and politicians.

Witnessing this process occurring, I can’t help but feel dismayed at how automatic it all feels. Here we go again, and for the next several days if not week this will be the major topic that is talked about and cycled around in all the “dissident” media.

But I now ask: Is such media that does this really dissident? Is such media that is enured to this kind of reaction and dwelling-upon really that dissident? Are the people behind it really helping?

One can already anticipate in advance all the points that will be discussed, laid-out, expounded upon. We already know what they are. And it will be claimed that it is good that this is done because, as each new fiasco unfolds, there will inevitably be a new crop of people in society ready to absorb this media, to be awakened…

But is that really the case? Does it really justify dwelling upon what is happening? Or is it more of an excuse?

Sometimes I wonder about the latter. These fiascos provide a convenient topic for discussion. But at some level it’s necessary to become disengaged from them. There is no point in dwelling on the same thing over and over and over again, with no resolution in sight, unless one’s intention is to dwell incessantly upon them.

That might be useful if you generate revenue by being a pundit who writes, blogs, or legislates. It provides you with a relatively steady stream of revenue. But if nothing is being accomplished, if no measurable progress is being achieved, then what is the point?

One may argue that the progress being achieved is “waking people up”. But this can also be a conveniently nebulous excuse to avoid taking a real assessment about where things are going – or not going as it may be.

The United States is a subjugated nation. Its democracy was overthrown. Because it’s not easy to point to a particular event at which it was overthrown, it makes it convenient for the oppressors to attack anyone who highlights this important fact as being a conspiracy theorist. If the overthrow of the democracy of the USA were real, there would be a smoking gun. There would be an actual cout d’etat that could be pointed to as definitive evidence. Anything other than that is a conspiracy – so they maintain.

As if the fact that the USA was already found to be an oligarchy through scientific study, what has occurred since the time Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President in the Summer of 2015 to the present all indicates to an overwhelming extent just how powerful the oligarchy is and just how far any vestiges of a democracy in the USA have been completely overthrown.

In my post The Oppressive Totalitarian Autocracy which commented on the following groundbreaking video from Morgoth:

I wrote:

The implications of what has happened mean that the United States is no longer a country in which politics as it has traditionally been thought of applies. The politics that will exist is more the mechanizations and internal power shifts inside an autocratic regime, which really isn’t politics.

So what are commentators going to speak of? Because even some leet nationalist party isn’t going to mean anything. If something as substantial as the Trump movement with it’s 70-80 million backers could be cut down, then certainly no grassroots movement that is based on even more radical concepts isn’t going to mean shit.

So are people just going to act like they’re playing some video game? I already get that impression listening to some of the most recent podcasts.

What is the point of shock-jocking and jocularity under an oppressive totalitarian autocracy?

I don’t think it’s fully hit people what the fuck is going on and where the fuck we are. Politics is over in the United Stats. Our system isn’t failing. It has failed. Our country doesn’t have politics. We have an oppressive tyranny.

Every week if not every day we are going to hear and read about various things going haywire. We are going to see various levels of shit manifesting in our once healthy society. But we have lost power. We are subjugated. And I’m just sick of dwelling on the next race fiasco.

I honestly believe that if people are not powerful enough to literally form a new country right now or else get the fuck out of the United States, then they are compromised. If you live in an evil cesspool filled with shit, no matter how pure you may try to be, no matter how high or noble your intentions may be, eventually – if you don’t get out of the cesspool of shit – then it becomes incorporated into you. It’s inevitable.

So right now, the most important thing to me is: How am I getting out of this cesspool of shit? I don’t need to become aware of more layers of shit and to process more and more esoteric levels of takes about the meaning of shit. I just need to separate from it. For my health. For the sake of my survival and of everything I believe in.

In order not to die, you have to have a plan. Not everyone may be in a position to be able to immediately carry out their plan, but they must have a plan. We need a survival plan, not takes on the fiascos and hot reacts, as much as we may sometimes enjoy them.

We need a plan to survive. We need to be constructively putting our lives together everywhere the oppressive, pile-of-shit society is destroying them. We are who we are when we’re building and creating.