Non-American Companies

This is kind of a theme that is starting to emerge right now. I was listening to the most recent Strike and Mike podcast where they were talking about Texas governor Abbot’s criticizing the social media platform There were, as per usual, renewed calls for the rescinding of Section 230 of the Communications Act (or whatever the exact title of it is). This section grants immunity to websites from content posted by their users. Obviously Section 230 is basically essential for the ability of there to be free speech on online platforms. Because without such a provision websites would be able to be held liable for the content on their platforms and that would result in major censorship by those platforms in order to avoid liability.

The correct way forward in dealing with this – incidentally – would be to develop technology to enable users of platforms to opt of of things they don’t want to be exposed to. Just like in the real world. But of course they don’t want to do this because their intention is to silence political dissent and especially criticism of Israel and the Jewish lobby’s influence and control over politics.

Thus Jonathan Greenblat of the ADL supports rescinding Section 230.

But them Striker made a comment that made me think. He said that one reason Big Tech companies should be forced by law to now censor any form of content that is constitutionally-protected free speech under the First Amendment to the US Constitution is because they benefit from being in America.

He didn’t get into this idea very much in the podcast but this is a huge idea and I would like to go into it in more depth here.

But first, let’s step back for a minute and look at this situation. If you went to any of the actual campuses of any of the prominent Big Tech companies in Silicon Valley at the forefront of pushing all this woke culture BS, censorship, etc., there’s one thing you would feel being there: These places are like another country. Stepping onto one of these campuses filled with privileged and entitleds along with large numbers of foreigners, there is a feeling permeating everywhere of being in a completely different society than the USA. If you watched the famous “all hands” meeting at Google just after Trump won the 2016 presidential election, you will get a glimpse of this. People in their own bubble. A bubble that is really divorced from the reality of the United States. And yet in that video you get a clear sense that these people are extremely conceited. They believe that they’re a cut above the rest of society. They believe that their opinions are so right that they are just implicitly correct and beyond questioning. And that conceit gives rise to the kind of arrogance that manifests in the actions these companies take to stifle political dissent and free speech, to censor content, to heavily curate search results and news feeds to promote specific viewpoints and agendas, etc.

These companies really are un-American. Yet these companies do benefit extensively from the United States in multiple ways. Just as it is now a trend in economics to take into account the “true” cost of things by placing a heavy value on what can be considered “services” provided by nature, so too do Big Tech companies benefit extensively from the existence of the country the United States and everything that that entails.

They cannot just act like they are divorced from it all when in fact everything that makes the foundation and existence of their companies possible stems to a great extent from the existence of the United States. And that means everything about the United States that made it what it was – whether those things happen to be expedient to the latest trendy woke and SJW-ish beliefs they want to promulgate.

Their positions are based on thin air, without an actual foundation. If they had to actually create the entire foundation of a society that enabled companies like their own to have even been founded in the first place, for there to have been environments in which their creators could have been born and existed, been educated, lived their lives, had parents and families, etc. – in order to do all of that would be an absolutely monumental task and one at which they very possibly would fail if they were actually required to do it.

The viewpoints of the people who work at and run these companies are based on a type of delusion that has been discussed before by spiritual teachers. There is a famous spiritual teaching about how the concept of something like a finger or a hand that one holds in one’s mind is really a false concept. Because there is no finger or hand without an arm, and arm without a body, and a body without multifarious other things including things like trees, the Sun, etc. So just the fact that someone can form an image of “finger” or “hand” in their mind doesn’t mean that that conceptualization itself is real or accurate.

If you attempted to create an actual society based on the deluded beliefs, viewpoints, and values of people at Big Tech companies I’m willing to bet it would result in a spectacular failure. Because these fools are censoring discussion of the same things which are essential principles that underlie civilization. And the world is already filled with examples of failures to create great civilization.

One of the biggest mistake the founders of the United States and in fact pretty much all European governments that exist in the present was that they needed to make laws explicitly protecting their core systems of beliefs and also their core people. They basically left this stuff out because it was implicit to the founders. But every strong society must reinforce itself, reinforce the system of itself and the people of itself. That is its first duty. To preserve all the other things that its laws are designed to protect, it must first protect itself and its people.

In other words, there should be laws explicitly barring discrimination against white people and the culture of white people upon which America is founded. So, if you are from some other culture and want to come to America, it should be clear to you in advance what America is and what it represents, with no ambiguity. If you want to accept that in choose to live in that culture, then fine. But if not, then don’t come. You don’t belong.

We are now in a time – absolutely unimaginable to the founders – of open season on white people and upon their culture and society. And because of this we have parasitic, treasonous companies which have no allegiance to us and are actively attacking us.

And I will say this: Neither political party in America is capable of upholding this ideal. Both parties are corrupt and sold-out. Most are zio-shills, bought out by and beholden to the Jewish lobby. None of them are the type of people who are capable of actually standing up for America.


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