The Coup D’Etat of the USA and the Etiology of the Rot

If you subscribe to TRS and listened to yesterday’s Strike and Mike, they really get into the etiology of rot of the United States and how it involves the elite class. Here are some salient facts:

  • Seven out of eight Ivy League presidents are Jewish. The eighth was sworn in at a ceremony presided over by a Jewish rabbi (and there were no ministers of any other denominations present).
  • There is a gradation within the levels of law enforcement in the USA. From the lowest levels of local police officers and judges who have much more in common with the working classes and whose approach to maintaining law is guided by more practical wisdom and real experience of the world, to the elite levels which are distinctly different both in their agenda and in their beliefs.
  • At the upper levels – the higher-level judges, people controlling federal law enforcement, etc. – things change dramatically from the lower levels. There is a very different type of person in control, people who come from elite classes who are highly indoctrinated at elite academies and who are deliberately placed in high positions of power for this reason.
  • The Biden administration is comprised of 40% Jews, which is vastly out of proportion to their actual demographic level in the USA. In fact there are far more high IQ white people in the USA then the entire population of Jews – than the entire race of Jews in fact – so the attempt to claim that there are more in the Biden administration simply because they tend to be higher IQ doesn’t hold water.
  • A large number of people in the Biden administration went to either Harvard or Georgetown University. Both of these universities are essentially high-level elite indoctrination academies.
  • There is a huge break between these elites and the common classes in terms of outlook, lifestyle, values or lack thereof, and worldview.
  • Many of the fashionable elite beliefs are harmful to the lower classes and they are fully aware of this. For the most part, it is deemed fashionable to hold the lower classes in disdain.
  • These elites – especially now after the coup d’etat but also before because Trump wasn’t what people think – these elites are put in control of the upper levels of the court system, “justice” administration, and law enforcement in the United States.
  • The FBI is essentially the special police force of this elite group and are now engaging in egregious acts of selective enforcement and political persecution, following the ultra-liberal narratives conditioned into the elite at their academies like Harvard and Georgetown.
  • The elite hold luxury beliefs which signal their high status. As Striker points out, just as a peacock’s brilliant plumage is a signal that it is fit enough to endure the high expense of bearing such highly attractive plumage which normally would impose a high threat against it by attracting predators, so the elite classes adopt luxury beliefs with respect to race which are not only not tenable by the common classes but which would actually endanger and threaten the common classes.
  • Insulated from the actual realities of the common classes, the elites can comfortably entertain these deluded beliefs about society and race because they are guarded from the severe consequences.
  • The FBI receives instruction from the ADL – the Jewish-run Anti-Defamation League – an organization that is beholden to the country of Israel and is involved in vehemently promoting the policies and interests of that nation – on who and what to investigate. The FBI has been directed to investigate and take action against people who are critical of Israel and of Jewish power in America.
  • The 2020 US Presidential election was stolen. Google even had a high-level staff meeting where they openly stated that they were not going to “let this happen again” after Donald Trump won in 2016. In addition, numerous employees of tech companies have been recorded openly stating their intentions and endeavors to influence US elections. Facebook’s owner spent hundreds of millions of dollars providing financial assistance specifically to voting districts with high percentages of Democrat voters while completely ignoring districts with high percentages of Republican voters.
  • The top levels of “justice” and law enforcement at the federal level have been continuously releasing reports of imminent threats from white supremacists as being the most serious problem facing the United States right now and sufficient to justify a massive re-adjustment of military priorities and re-allocation of enforcement resources to turn on the US white population.
  • Statistically a person in the United States is more likely to be struck be lightning than killed by a white supremacist.
  • Statistically, if the levels of violent crime committed in the United States were uniformly at the same level as that committed by white supremacists, the levels of crime in the United States would be vastly lower than it presently is.

What I think of when I think of this elite class is that these are the people who conducted the coup d’etat in the United States. This election was stolen. As just one small example, Twitter instantly banned any user who posted not only this photo of Hunter Biden:

“I get more crack, pedophilia, hookers, and dead brain cells. You just get dead.”

but also anyone who even just typed the link of the website that contained the data that was on the hard drive of his laptop that he had abandoned and legally forfeited possession of at a computer repair shop.

There was a huge bias in the press for months prior to the election, and we know that throughout Trump’s time in office mainstream media was extremely biased and hostile towards him. We know that Russiagate was a complete lie, and also that the elites in power immediately before the Trump administration took office deliberately and illegally set him up.

Top “justice”, law enforcement, and military officials of the Biden administration are repeatedly stating that white supremacism is the greatest threat facing the USA even with a complete lack of any incidents having occurred. In fact statistically there exist far greater actual threats to average Americans in terms of rising rates of crime and especially black violence.

“Justice” officials have stressed that there exist white nationalists who believe in “conspiracy theories” to use their precise language when in fact it is these exact officials who are promoting the conspiracy theory of a white supremacist threat.

Repeatedly we have witnessed the egregious extent to which this false narrative and the narrative of rampant white racism is being pushed by the elite class. Just recently when an Arab man killed ten white people at a supermarket in Colorado, a number of high-level elites including the daughter of VP Harris came out and blamed it immediately on white supremacy before the identity of the killer was known, only to later have found out they were completely wrong.

The desire to create this false narrative is literally like a cult at this point, and is fueling the sick, deluded elites’ cult religion, so over and over they are desperately seeking confirmation of their belief system.

“Whew. Thank goodness for the SD synagogue shooting. My narrative was falling apart!”

In this sick state of things, the meaning of violent events is now divorced from the actual acts of violence themselves and instead reduced to narrative- and bias-confirmation. This is also the case with basically everything surrounding race in this hyper-racialized context that has been set up.

Far from being the ideal, color-blind society that treats everyone equally, the deranged elite cult is actually creating severe racism in the United States, stoking divisions and driving deeper wedges between the populace.

As my own personal experience with this, I was completely appalled not long ago when going through the admission process for the University of California system. The applicant is barraged with a ton of inappropriate and requisite questions drilling down into the applicant’s race, gender, sexual preference.

I considered this deeply violating. My race, gender, and especially sexual preference is literally no one’s fucking business, and certainly not a publicly-funded institution of supposed higher education.

But there’s an entire industry now built around this shit. There are “officers” now at large companies devoted to “diversity” which is a major load of complete BS.

The United States is truly fucked. But people are much smarter than is let on in the media. The American people, and especially white Americans, are now very aware of what’s happening are are certainly not happy with the treason and betrayal.

Finally, if you’re a thoughtful, intelligent person and in any way politically active, even if it only means writing a blog like this or attending an occasional event, it’s almost certain that you were and are being raped and violated by these people. It’s 2021 in the United States, and the police state, secret police, and political persecution are in full operation.

Everyone wake up. This is what the Jews are doing to our society. And while this is going on, and while everyone’s distracted by BS like the whole trans “rights” thing, they are flooding the United States with millions of foreigners to take our jobs and take over our nation.