The Gist of It All

The gist of it all, when you boil it all down:

Freedom is bad for the plutocrat Jew criminals who are raping America. It is an obstacle to them, so they must eliminate it.

How many times today did one bitch, lament, conspire to deprive, shut down, or attempt to destroy another freedom?

No more fucking Mideast wars. No money for Israel. No aid nor weapons for Israel. All foreign influence on the US government banned. All dual-loyalty public officials kicked out.

Just one example of many, many that can be picked from the news over the last couple days:
A Top Biden Cybersecurity Aide Donated Over $500,000 to AIPAC as an NSA Official

Yellen received $800G from hedge fund in Gamestop controversy; WH doesn’t commit to recusal

In addition to this, numerous Jews have called for shutting down Internet forums where people who trade stocks communicate, and some have called for restricting the ability of normal people to trade stocks.

BREAKING: Online Brokerage Robinhood Automatically Sells Off Small Investors’ Shares in Gamestop Stock AT A HUGE LOSS While Only Letting Wall Street Firms Buy Them All Up at a Major Discount (THEY FORCE ONE MAN TO SELL OVER 4,000 SHARES AT A 75% LOSS!)

In other news, with one sweep, Biden has essentially removed the US border. And now he has rolled back protections of US STEM graduates and tech workers.

And don’t forget that the Biden administration has gone full-tilt on declaring whites evil and “equity” as their primary priority – which means the stripping of wealth from whites and the continued fuckover of the working class. All this while 73% of the mass murders in the USA in 2020 were committed by blacks – but you’re a racist nazi if you notice the crime epidemic plaguing the country.