This should make people think more deeply about “anorexic” tendencies

I once met a person who had struggled with what they said was anorexia in their past. When I told them about my rather strict diet, they impugned me as potentially having anorexic tendencies.

But that didn’t seem right to me. Yes, I am the strictest person I know with respect to diet – except for another relative – but my strictness comes from discipline that is extremely healthy. To put it bluntly, I have the healthiest diet that I know of any human being – except perhaps people with a lot of money who can afford an expensive vegan diet which I cannot. I’m talking about people who can afford a $20 smoothies multiple times per day, etc. I’m more the inexpensive bowl of oatmeal, rice, or millet – along with sweet potatoes, beans, and salad – type of person.

In watching the below video, they state that not overeating is one of the key factors in slowing aging and remaining healthy. It is wired into us. At a deep level our body knows that overeating is bad and that this world we are in, surrounded by temptation and so many unhealthy things, is bad.

Maybe this is a factor more than people realize? I’m just guessing. Maybe an “anorexic tendency” is really just something internal that knows that overindulging on food is unhealthy?

But maybe also people who fall into eating disorders don’t know how to maintain balance for whatever reason. The environment we are in, surrounded by so much unhealthiness, doesn’t help.

This is another failure in our society to have healthy role models, of which there are many ill effects.


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