Sometimes I wonder what is and isn’t an op

It seems like right away, as soon as an “alternative right” aka “alt right” emerged as a third alternative to the dominant scam that is mainstream politics in the USA, that alternative immediately pivoted to… literal Nazism.

It really makes me think. Because if anyone wanted to kill any third alternative that would be one high-precision way to do it. Take a pivot and simply op it to make it pivot to the extreme in order to discredit it.

Right now we’re seeing a lot of this. People flying off to extremes. Anyone who wants to be effective in this time isn’t going to be flying off to extremes. Buying the bait, so to speak, only causes more entrapment, not less.

I came across the Wikipedia page Evidence and documentation for the Holocaust and while it is overwhelmingly clear that Wikipedia is no longer objective and is basically a lying piece of shit used to attack the dissident right, the page is worth reading.

One thing that stands out from the article is the fact that Himmler and others openly spoke about an ongoing process of extermination of Jewish people. They were speaking about an action in progress. And then there are many people from the SS who worked in the camps and testified in detail about the mass killings taking place. One former SS member said that anyone who would question what happened would have to be crazy.

While I don’t want to diminish the horribleness of what occurred by talking about tactics, the fact that some people are dragging this stuff up and on and on makes it necessary to write about it.

Sometimes I wonder what is and what isn’t an op. It’s like the only choices in this political climate are mass invasion or literal Nazism. I reject it.

I’m not going to go out of my way to stand up for Jews, in particular Israel. I would stand up for any human being in the context of whatever situation, but as a group I believe they are open to criticism just like any other group and many of the ops they’re pulling – bribing public officials, running scam campaigns, engaging in lawfare and blackmail, trying to subvert the Constitution – are serious things and should be criticized sharply.

I just watched the Al Jazeera documentary “The Lobby” and it’s more than just shocking – it’s outrageous. It is a foreign government openly interfering with another country’s government, bribing people and pressuring people. That is actual cause for war.

Israel started on a bad foot with the oppression and displacement of tens of thousands of people in Palestine and it went from bad to worse. The United States should not be supporting it. I don’t give a shit who the “people” are of the country – what they have done and continue to do is absolute evil and wrong. And they need to stop interfering with other countries.

Yes, I’ve met my share of grubby, disgusting people who were Jewish. Years ago – when the way to buy computers was through the places that advertised on the back of computer magazines, I was ripped off by one of these sleazy companies. I learned that I will never ever buy anything from the sleazy tech sales companies in New Jersey and pretty much New York also. To this day I refuse to ever purchase anything on eBay from New Jersey nor New York (city).

I once met the grubbiest scammer whom I have ever encountered who was a Jew essentially ripping off innocent people with a timeshare scam. As a prospective employee who had responded to the ad this sleazebag had placed in the classifieds, I will never forget being in the back room where the trained scammers who would read this many-pages-long script to the poor people that were being scammed would take their brakes and make the most insulting comments about the people they were scamming. I remember the piece-of-shit jew flaunting a wad of bills at me as though he was some successful guy.

I’ve seen disgusting lawyers who were Jews who literally lied and fucked people over.

But I’ve also met some really amazing Jews. There are some who I have great admiration for. Some who are great teachers. Many who have brought light to the world.

Criticize Israel if you want. Criticize sleazebag Jews if you want because there is a cultural thing about that. But don’t do that without understanding that that line of thinking leads to a very sick place. When people blanket blame an entire class or race of people that is demented.

Even if everything in Culture of Critique is true, so what? It’s a free world. People have free choice, and that means also collectively. Nothing is stopping you from exercising your free choice.

It’s also a copout. How easy it is just always blame the bad people for everything that’s wrong. I hear this all the fucking time in podcasts and am sick of it.

Life can be hard. Life can be unfair. We get the world that is, not the one we ideally want. And that’s the world we have to learn to work with, for better or for worse. Sometimes that’s the hardest challenge, to accept the imperfect, broken, non-ideal world and still continue on, still have the patience and perseverance to work with it. Copping out is easy but wrong. It seems like virtue but it’s weakness.

We have to work to achieve things and some people have a lot more than others. One day everyone will have to stand before Divinity. Divinity is the judge, not us. Worry about yourself. There’s a lot of work to do. Grow the fuck up.

If you’re driving on the freeway and feel upset because some other people are driving like shit, cutting you off, etc. – what is the solution? The only thing you can do is not drive like shit yourself. I can’t stop people from being greedy and hoarding, but I can not be greedy and hoarding myself. It’s not always easy to do that if you’re alone. But it’s the only way things change.