I’m Glad I Don’t Watch/Own a TV

Every day in the “news” there’s just so much garbage. Race. Race. Race. Hate. Hate. Hate. Blah fucking blah fucking blah.

Seems like TV is fueling what is literally a state of almost inescapable madness that just keeps perpetuating itself.

The solution is to stop watching it and stop reading most of the shit online also.

Just do your best as a human every day. If people are going to attack you they’re going to attack you. You have a choice of what you want to stand for. I don’t know what the particular situations are of others. I see all this cancel culture stuff and most of it is bullshit. I see all this conformity stuff and most if not all of it is bullshit.

Yet I don’t see other things changing. It’s the same multi-national companies selling the poison shit they call “food” in most stores. I see the same corporations fucking people over the same as always. I see the United States that is still not a democracy but an oligarchy. I see tens of millions of illegals and immigrants flooding in causing displacement and difficulty for native-born U.S. citizens – housing costs that have skyrocketed, cities that are alienated, a country that no longer even feels like the United States, job and educational opportunities that are stolen, cities that are becoming more squalid, etc.

And I know that all their brainwashing is going on. I know that if you turn on a tv you’re going to see white people disgraced and mixed-race couples featured in virtually every advertisement and a plethora of globohomo shit, much of it aimed at children. I know they’re fucking with people’s minds and deliberately trying to disgrace, humiliate, and disempower whites at every turn.

Meanwhile a lot of the elites got Covid-19 government relief money for their businesses while people like me, who could really have used it to pull their selves up, didn’t get shit. I don’t expect justice, fairness, nor sanity.

I don’t watch TV and am not going to participate in the bullshit.

I don’t give a shit about it all. If they want to start throwing us (non-entitled) whites into ovens then why don’t they do it? It’s clear they want us dead. Just another average day.


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