Another day

more vicious appalling hate crimes against whites.

If the races had been reversed here – if a white person was yelling insults and provocations at a group of blacks, this literally would be in international news 24/7. But because it’s a black doing it to whites it barely gets covered.

Everyone knows what’s going on, but very few have the courage to speak out. What is going on is actual psychological torture of whites.

Main stream media, the Democratic party, and major international corporations are guilty of psychological torture of whites. They are deliberately amplifying white-on-black issues and drastically underreporting black-on-white issues. For white people to be exposed to this is torture.

My goal in posting this isn’t to start a race war. Actually it is the jewish-controlled mainstream media which is deliberately stoking a race war. The sad thing is that they actually are among the most racist, brutal people on the planet. Their crimes against Palestinians are horrendous and they are constantly provoking war against other nations. They’re preparing the illegal annexation of the West Bank – a flagrant violation of international law. Who is helping to smooth the way for it, to lay out propaganda for it? None other than the ADL which should be considered an anti-white terrorist organization.

I am not going to fall victim to the appalling race-baiting that’s occurring, but as a white person it is my duty to report truth in the face of extreme, egregious lies.

Here’s a great video from Emily that is posted on Bitchute*:

*Note: I don’t necessarily agree with every single thing in the video.


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