I just watched the video

I just watched the video in which George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer. There is no question that what the police officer who pressed his knee into the handcuffed and prostrate on the pavement George Floyd was very wrong. I’m sorry you had to die George Floyd and I pray for you and your family and our whole country.

As sad and shocking as the video is, we don’t know what the day-to-day experiences of officer Derek Chauvin and other officers were like. How many times had he tried to arrest someone who had resisted? How many times had his well-being or that of his colleagues been endangered by violent criminals?

It could be that after 19 years as a police officer in that environment something happened to him. From the video, it seems like that is a real possibility. He showed no emotion and virtually no response whatsoever for the entire time his knee was on George Floyd’s neck. It’s also hard to watch how the other police officer just stands there and defends what is going on. If nothing else, both of them come off as extremely jaded and exceptionally cold and emotionally devoid.

So that raises the issue that there could and probably is culpability at higher levels in a department where superiors didn’t pick up on this. If your department gets to the point where people are snapping then that is alarming. For the sake of the officers and the people of the community they interact with, something needs to change.

It’s not clear how much Floyd was resisting arrest. But resisting arrest substantially changes things for the worse against Floyd’s case, and it’s sad to see a lot of comments and reactions that seem to fail to take Floyd’s apparent violent resistance into account.

When I step back, I feel sad for this whole thing. I feel sad for everyone, and for our fucked up country.

I’ve written posts here about black violence and have stated that it would be better for them to live in a separate society. How much suffering and destruction does there have to be before people start considering this?

Another thing to consider: Things will never be 100% perfect. It’s impossible to achieve that. So that means there will always end up being some incident or another which pisses people off, and then off everyone goes again with riots and everything.

No matter how much is done, it will never, ever be enough. To some people, there will always be injustice. There will always be white guilt. Etc. It will never end.

Slavery was wrong and the United States is paying a major price for it right now. Both the people who are descendants of former slaves, and people whose ancestors migrated here long after slavery had ended and who had nothing to do with it. And while this is happening, the same evil globalists are busy fucking up our society, importing millions more, taking our jobs, driving up the cost of housing, etc., all for the sake of cheap labor and big line going up.

The black race is very distinct and has a difficult time existing in a society of Caucasians. Caucasians have higher levels of success and perform better in the societies they created. It is not the fault of blacks that they perform worse, nor the fault of whites that they perform better.

But, in this type of situation, there will never not be a continual buildup of resentment. It is virtually impossible for blacks not to feel injustice and inadequate living in Caucasian societies. And whites will simply naturally want to avoid blacks who they feel are too different than them and also threatening. Attempting to force equality only makes things worse.

Until society can grow the fuck up and break out of the stupid arguments about “hate”, “racism”, “privilege”, etc. and start to have an honest and open discussion, things will not get better.

But don’t expect main stream media to help. They are happy to watch things burn and to fuel the fire.