The “dignity” of human shit in front of your businesses

San Francisco releases Tenderloin Neighborhood Safety Assessment and Plan for COVID-19

This document mentions the word “dignity” multiple times. What is dignity?

The “dignity” of human shit in front of your business? The “dignity” of tents with homeless illegals drug addicts fucking inside a tent on the sidewalk in front of your business? The “dignity” of refuse and trash deposited around your neighborhood on a daily basis? The “dignity” of being sexually harassed by perverted illegals almost weekly while walking through your neighborhood?

San Francisco is a fucking disaster. The people who run it are criminally inept or they are simply lying in order to justify more budget allocations to their corrupt friends. This whole thing is a big scam, run by public officials who are professional scammers. The problem will not get better under them, it will get worse.

Let me tell you something, asswipe pieces of shit San Francisco public officials: Human shit and piss on the sidewalk has nothing to do with dignity. Forcing business owners and residents to have to endure this for months on end, and ignoring their numerous requests numbering in the dozens if not hundreds to have encampments moved from in front of their businesses is not “human dignity”.

You people are fucked up, insane, and sick. You are the problem. You are the collapse.

The entire homeless encampment problem could be instantly solved for a tiny fraction of the enormous budget that is wasted on this bullshit, by simply allocating a large tract of land somewhere as a designated camping area. Pick a location far away – on the periphery of the city as far away from residential and commercial activities as possible – and require that all encampments be located there. Provide porta-potties to prevent shit from building up everywhere. And that is that.

No one owes these fuckup people anything. Taxpayers financing hotel rooms for these fuckups is an outrage. How many illegals are getting free hotel rooms in San Francisco? Is that even legal? Why haven’t the feds come in and arrested all these evil fucks?

What a fucking joke. A total fucking joke.

If you want human dignity, you clean the shit. You get the people off the streets. You start prosecuting people for crimes. You remove all encampments to a designated area away from residences and businesses. You put a stop to drug use and do not fuel addictions. You have a zero-tolerance policy towards drugs and towards all crimes including littering.