Immigration policy with respect to information technology should be informed by the nature of the specific technology in question.
For example, companies like Facebook are completely superfluous. Nothing they make is essential nor innovative. In fact Facebook is a parasite and is indistinguishable from malware. While there is some innovation – it is basically innovation to connive and scam, to make money for the sake of money.
Companies like Facebook should have absolutely shit influence on importing labor. Shit.
Then you have a company like Microsoft. Microsoft is also basically a parasitic company and nothing it creates is essential or necessary and a lot of what it does is shit. Microsoft has employed vast numbers of virtual coolies to staff its support forum. This forum has built up a large database of “answers” over the years, and these often turn up in search engine results when seeking information about technical issues with Windows. Usually they are among the top-ranked results. And they are total shit.
These “answers” are not close to the type of useful discussions that occur on other forums. They are created by half-wit coolies and are mostly BS. They are like detritus or litter on the Internet, and they are a metaphor for the company Microsoft itself and how worthless and misguided it is.
Nothing Microsoft creates is essential and most of what it does is destructive from a broad point of view. For example from the point of view of an operating system, a closed-source system like Windows is detrimental, almost like a type of disease, especially compared with Linux and Open-Source software. It is almost damaging to learn it and to use it because the resources devoted to doing so are going down a metaphorical toilet.
So a company like Microsoft itself should have shit to say about immigration. Microsoft could disband tomorrow and it would be beneficial for the world and beneficial for Earth, and better things like Linux and Libre Office can and would take it’s place with no loss and with considerable gain.
When you really examine all the things – all the businesses that are calling for mass immigration – you realize that so much of it all is basically bullshit – and much of it – most of it – is lacking in quality and integrity.
That so many policy makers in Washington are technological neophytes, and therefore not even aware of the situation, is catastrophic. Just because there is often generation of large sums of money in “industries” doesn’t necessarily mean those “industries” have actual integrity nor value and doesn’t mean that the leaders from them should be listened to. Many of them are simply efficient scammers.
Real innovation, integrity, and value are the result – as always – of that careful, deliberate, persevering cultivation of knowledge for knowledge’s sake – something in previous writings I refer to as brahmanic cultivation. Brahmanic cultivation and nothing else is what is most beneficial for an individual, for a community, for a society, a nation, and for the entire planet.
But often the path of brahmanic cultivation is at odds with the path of the pursuit of money. Thus we have “industries” creating these behemoths like Facebook and Microsoft that are essential shit and more obstructive than constructive.
But it is worse than that – the way the existence of such companies influences societies and communities is destructive. They create disparity and imbalance. As I have written before the path of brahmanic cultivation is always tied to frugality, to essential live, a lifestyle close to poverty without actually being impoverished.
It is a privilege to be poor and being poor is an essential ground for brahmanic cultivation in any society, in any age.
But these companies fuck it up. They fuck up communities and societies. They are like cancer. Legion of workers for their plantations must be imported to create obstructive, valueless shit, thereby further fucking up communities and creating even more disparity. The whole process is insane. It has to be stopped.
Perhaps it is a problem that techies who create truly great things through their dedication and perseverance have not done enough to really help guide society in a larger sense to a better place. They are brilliant and inspiring people, but often so deeply involved in the details of their work that perhaps they don’t have the time or resources to devote to a much broader picture, to guide society in a larger sense down a positive path.
But that path does exist and we should be following it. We have the potential to do much better technologically. We are not following it now and one result of that is having these companies that are like cancer infecting our society. We can and should be doing better. But to do that we have to – always we have to – pay close attention to the foundation – to the non-glamorous practice of following the basics and making sure we have a society where those basics can thrive.
We are a brilliant society and have the capacity to accomplish great things, but we must stop the cancer and we must make wise decisions.
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