There Is Only One Thing Super-Rich People Must Do

There is only thing that super-rich people must do. One always hears in the news about super-rich people donating money to many different causes. All of those causes without exception ultimately result in increasing suffering on Earth.

There is only one thing that rich people should strive to accomplish if they truly want to reduce suffering on Earth: To restore as much of Earth as possible to its pristine state without humans.

Doing anything other than this actually harms humans and harms all life on Earth.

Misguided attempts to reduce suffering only result in increased suffering. Suffering is a fact of human existence. It cannot be eliminated. As humans become more God-like Earth becomes more diseased. If Earth is diseased, is this actually beneficial for humans?

The situation is out of balance and super-rich people often massively disrupt the balance even more.

If you are super-rich you should want to restore balance to Earth, which means restoring as much of Earth as possible to its pristine, natural, non-human state. It means less human-everything: less humans, less buildings, less roads, less farms, less mines, less development of every kind.

Often in the news we hear about “affordable housing” as though it is an unequivocal good that must always be pursued. But is it? Any housing is more, new housing. It is not removing housing. It is not restoring land, restoring Earth, reducing impact. It is increasing humans, increasing impact, and pushing Earth even further into suffering.