
I’m watching a lecture video and the instructor is at a chalkboard writing with chalk and erasing the writing with an eraser. There’s something about the sound of an eraser on a chalkboard that drives me crazy. Chalk bothers me a little bit but not as much.

I finally decided to search about this and found out this is misophonia. Now I’m reading some online forums where people are posting about it and – while it is of course unfortunate that anyone has misophonia and I really feel sorry for everyone who has it – I can’t help but laugh my ass off at the comments.

I mean, here I was with this issue and not really knowing much about it, and now I’m reading all these comments from people about their issues.

Note: these quotes are from www.sensory-processing-disorder.com: Sensitive to particular noises

Noises… especially smacking, gum popping absolutely drive me crazy. It is impossible go anywhere without hearing someone with gum. Even if they aren’t really smacking it… gum drives me crazy.

I feel like I am going to come out of my skin if made to sit in an area where this is going on. I often times have to move seats in the middle of church or a movie. I don’t know what to do… I can’t stand it and don’t want to become a hermit just so I don’t have to hear it. Makes me feel like I’m really crazy!


I found this page when I googled, “why does a jingling bracelet unnerve me”. The girl beside me, at work, wears the key fob to our office on a spiral key holder on her wrist like a bracelet. The key fob is hard plastic and it hits up against the silver ring on the key holder. IT DRIVES ME INSANE! I hear it hit her desk when she types. She likes the noise, I guess.

I detest loud, jingling bracelets.


I have a Very High Sensitivity to words and certain sounds. It drives me Crazy to hear that word “Basicially” Over and Over several times a day, and those “Bleeps” on TV. They Enrage me!I can’t Stand to hear Water splashing,so I cannot take a bath or due dishes without wearing Earplugs Actually almost All sounds bother me! It is a Living Hell!


I am easily annoyed at repetitive noises, loud or not, like my coworker constantly sniffling and/or coughing up phlegm ALL DAY LONG! Makes me enraged!!

I cannot even explain the RAGE that comes over me when that stupid new Cheerios commercial is on TV. The CRAP rap chanting that follows “love goes around and around and around” is so freaking annoying I want to kill my TV set.

By the time I grab the remote to mute it, my blood pressure is already way up. Someone needs to get a clue. Many of us cannot stand this

Please, make it stop!


I want to sock anyone who deliberately squeezes those ultra-cheap water bottles just for the hell of it. When I hear it, my blood curdles after reaching the boiling point and I just want to sock the person, man, woman, or child, who is doing this.


Then there are the comments like this one:

I’m relieved to know this is a real condition and I’m not just losing my mind! I do have anxiety and depression, but not sure if there’s any relation.

LOL. You ARE losing your mind! All these people have! LMAO!

But actually, a lot of these stories are really heart-rending. Many people experience misophonia after traumas. While it can be kind of funny – especially to someone like me with my own version of it – it’s also really sad.

And it really makes you think: It could be a person right next to you going through this and you might not even know it.

I could go on at length about senseless and abusive noises that occur. It is an actual severe disease afflicting U.S. society in particular. I never witnessed anything close to the kinds of outrageous noise levels that occur multiple times per day here in the U.S. when I was in Germany. Nothing even remotely close. And while there are some token laws and ordinances to protect people, they are basically bullshit.

Law enforcement basically never do shit about outrageously loud vehicles – vehicles that their diseased, abusive owners have DELIBERATELY modified to emit loud noise. In many – and I would hope most – parts of the world such vehicles would never be allowed to operate. Then again, those other parts aren’t fucked up and insane like the U.S.

Then there are the outrageous leaf blowers which are literally one of the stupidest inventions. And these confounded machines alone are probably responsible for justifying 50% of the illegal labor in the U.S. I lived in one of the most beautiful cities in Germany with lawns and landscapes that would blow your mind in terms of beauty and design, and never once saw one of these confounded fucking machines (nor the requisite illegal aliens operating them).

For anyone interested, here is a site with a list of some triggers for misophonia.


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